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Some helpful tips

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So I've been playing this the past day or two and just 100%ed it and I wanted to share some helpful tips.  I played the enhanced edition which I think is the only version available now at least on the ps store.  When I first booted up the game yesterday, there were some options I wasn't aware of.  You can choose between campaign mode and with campaign mode you can choose to play on easy, normal or hard difficulty.  There is another choice called story mode.  Lastly, there is a third mode that unlocks after playing through the entire game once which is sort of a one hit death mode for both you and the enemies.


Since there are no difficulty-related trophies, I started the game on campaign mode easy difficulty.  Easy isn't all that easy, but I was doing well enough with it and cruising through the story well enough....until the last boss.  Even on easy, I would say it's near impossible.  You have to play near perfectly and basically take very little damage which, again, is near impossible or at least really, really, really difficult.  However, I have some good news.  After watching a few videos on the boss fight which weren't much help, I scoured the internet for tips and was searching to find out if trophies can be earned in story mode.  Story mode is basically the campaign, the only differences being you face less enemies and the enemies can't kill you including the bosses.  You can still die from environmental hazards such as falling.  I saw a blurb from someone on some forum asking if trophies/achievements can indeed be earned in story mode and someone replied that they can.  I can confirm this to be absolutely true!  So if you get stuck with the last boss on campaign mode on easy mode like I did or if you missed a collectible and have to do another playthrough for a collectible, feel free to use story mode.


Regarding collectibles, I discovered something else.  After my failed easy campaign run which I also missed a collectible in, I deleted my save file and started from scratch in story mode.  I missed one favor orb in chapter two, I think.  I proceeded to go through the game again following a collectible guide.  There are three chapters with these collectibles.  I believe they are chapters 2, 3 and 4.  I got all the orbs in chapter 2 on my first playthrough and all of the orbs in chapter 4 as well.  I missed one in chapter 3 on my first playthrough.  Keep in mind that I deleted my original save and was playing from scratch in story mode.  So I went through chapter 2 and got all the orbs again and then in chapter 3 I managed to get all the orbs as well.  As soon as I found the last orb in chapter 3, the trophy for finding all the chapter 3 orbs popped.  But here's the strange thing.  When I finished that chapter, the trophy for finding all orbs popped as well.  I'm thinking it popped because I had already earned the other two chapter trophies for finding all orbs in those two respective chapters and when I earned the third and final trophy for the last chapter I needed, it triggered the all orbs trophy to pop.  I'm not sure.  Maybe it was a glitch.


Anyway, I know this was a bit long, but I hope the info can be of help.  Be well. 

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