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Clan Creator [AS] version codes


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In my platinum in this version of the game, I have noted that the NA version of clan creator codes don't work in AS version, so I hunted down those codes and find a total of 54 codes... all working perfectly! (yes, I have tested all of them one by one 😬)



1 - Those codes is exclusively for the AS version of the game, they don't work on the NA version

2 - They DON'T need to be in uppercase, but I put here in this way to be more easy to read *¹

3 - They DON'T have a space between each four letters, but again, is more easy to read and you will don't get confused *²



Here the codes!



S.R. (Super Rare) = Gold


01 - 5FSG VEVR KVDX 3EDG - Kiryu Kazuma


02 - YM8W T73Y 3JGK F5C5 - Goro Majima


03 - SUJH 3CDV NYCK UYEY - Taiga Saejima


04 - 4538 LC48 XNUP BJY5 - Daigo Dojima


05 - H7YW VPV3 UVAX TDFA - Makoto Date


06 - JBAD CGC3 T88F 7VT5 - Shun Akiyama


07 - E5YR F8WE RNV8 XHRA - Kazuchika Okada


08 - RG8T ECXC GGN4 TRCR - Tetsuya Naito


09 - U5UT TUPN VBUR L6VJ - Hiroshi Tanahashi


10 - GAP4 GCFA T8B5 PFFC - Satoshi Kojima


11 - BLLN 4BDV 83SA WM6K - Hiroyoshi Tenzan


12 - M4SR CCV4 8JVC 6AXJ - Toru Yano



R. (Rare) = Silver


13 - RHB8 VXCA 3MHR HMPK - Kiryu Kazuma


14 - YY8T EAVS T33C MTW8 - Goro Majma


15 - PB6W 65HU DBL6 YV8H - Taiga Saejima


16 - BH63 GAGY EV3X 63TY - Daigo Dojima


17 - MNHV 73MX HU8F JH58 - Makoto Date


18 - 7XM5 A4RD W6RT BGU8 - Shun Akiyama


19 - CAPF MDBG NJ6C L4NE - Koumei


20 - U7UM VFMR 85CE 7KP8 - Satsutsuki


21 - XAAJ 7BYB FEFH 7WAS - Amon


22 - TRND 48KV JKLC NWHJ - Ono Michio-Kun


23 - TMWR ED5A 7JHB 6GKE - Yasuo Sodaji


24 - U8M8 NCKU MUYW YV77 - Pocket Fighter


25 - D8PV DXXD 6VJB PEBU - Joe


26 - HKNT WC64 V8TW 4E3T - Masao


27 - H4FC TN58 VNS3 FKBJ - Master


28 - ADBU MPPW T8VW FT4U - Kazuchika Okada


29 - MT7T GKCB K84C 5LYC - Tetsuya Naito


30 - TVUJ ALRK JXS5 4JXY - Hiroshi Tanahashi


31 - USR6 N35A 8C75 FJGH - Satoshi Kojima


32 - FKCW NSGN NUDW UJAR - Hiroyoshi Tenzan


33 - K6XX FA6S YUMU GRTH - Toru Yano


34 - HV5E 3AUV F4AR USA4 - Gedo


35 - TE7A S4GL 735L AYD5 - Katsuyori Shibata


36 - A3SD JXBJ TAMB PDDB - Kushida


37 - RW83 6GN8 GRN5 SS7H - Tomohiro Ishii


38 - AWVM BN43 C8US 5SVS - Evil


39 - CRLU 3HVL PPKJ VYXY - Bushi


40 - 364U 53TW HXNJ FGHN - Ryusuke Taguchi


41 - VMXM CXBS RB57 PD7L - Yuji Nagata


42 - 3NG8 J4FM LL3T RTT8 - Manabu Nakanishi


43 - T3TB NPS4 7VWB TPEM - Super Strong Machine


44 - SBWX 5L8J VJHN VCMA - Captain New Japan



C. (Common) = Bronze


45 - MRT5 AW5X 5LC4 5LYG - Kiryu Kazuma


46 - ATMG 4BUD TBHG FJ5X - Goro Majima


47 - VG54 SCYC 5GNJ FMX5 - Taiga Saejima


48 - GGKG 5HME 5YW7 WCEU - Daigo Dojima


49 - 8KDL V4C4 JRUN 6XBL - Makoto Date


50 - 3W36 L7HM KP78 YY5S - Shun Akiyama


51 - NMBS H3A3 W7P3 7WC3 - Koumei


52 - B6BM PACL E87N 6K7R - Satsutsuki


53 - L78K NMCW LFJ5 6BKK - Amon


54 - 6B4M PSKC BH6R M6MJ - Ono Michio-Kun




At the roof of New Serena have a safe, that safe ask a password to open, and also have a different code to AS version:  L84T 2B2S HF5E 5YI

(Also, don't have any space, dont' need be in uppercase, and this one have one letter less on the last part)





Source of Clan Creators code: http://gamex.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/2016/12/post-2e9f.html

Source of the safe code: https://ricedigital.co.uk/yakuza-6-safe-guide-find-safe-keys-safes/

*¹ *² - I found the codes written like this and it seemed easier to understand

Edited by SABBATH
Fix some typos... again...
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