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how to trivialize/afk the player kills for both players


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me and another figured out how to afk the respawn and a different person told me a strat to basically afk the killing, so just turn off the controller and boom your done it'll automatically respawn you and to kill just use a melee weapon and have the trigger be held you have to swap out the melee after a while but you can use the dupe glitch (place frame - place chest - not host goes into chest and places loot - backs out goes back in takes the loot but dosent close the chest - host picks up frame) to just make loads. id recommend turn off zombies and set up next to the trader and just dupe the coins (or not if you dont like glitchs) for food and high level melee weapon, do NOT use guns that's what i did and its considerably harder as you have to actively adjust for recoil and also dupe ammo just not worth when melees can auto do it

you may be able to hit to people with the weapon if you have 2 friends however if you have more than 2 id recommend actively killing as that'd be much faster either with gun or just melee 

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