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Offline Tips/Gearing for Proto Bahamut

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The internet currently doesn't have much info in the way of offline tips for Proto Bahamut(PB), so I thought I'd share some of my own wisdom after lots of trial and error.   While there is plenty of info regarding the mechanics of the actual PB fight, most of the challenge is getting geared for it.  If you're playing offline like me, you don't have the luxury of getting carried by others, and gearing up 4 characters instead of 1 is a HUGE grind.  Hopefully this will help some people so as to at least have a good idea of where they need to be going in.



Build all characters for Damage, prioritize it over survivability.  Once you learn the fight, it's only challenge becomes the dps checks.  If you got the dps, you can clear it.


The numbers below are from my own experience, as an average player who's played the entirety of this game offline.  If you're more awesome, and can min/max the fight, you can probably do it with less.  However, these are what I personally found necessary to clear consistently, because unless you're real lucky, you'll likely need a few dozen clears before you get a terminus for a character you want to play and gear up.  These are just recommendations, not requirements.


Recommended for AI characters:

- Lv 150 Stinger Weapon

- At least 95% crit (use crit weapon and 1 Crit Rate V)

- At least 48 Damage Cap.  Get all DMG Cap V's to level 12 at least.  13 is better.  This doesn't require any centrum or hard-to-find materials (14+ does).  If you find any DMG Cap V+ sigils with good secondaries, don't be afraid to use an Azurite on it; you'll use it forever.  You can also find wrightstones to imbue an extra +3-5 DMG Cap.

- Stamina, Crit Damage, Tyranny (offset HP penalty with Aegis if you want). Depending on Damage Cap, you may only need 2 of these to hit it.

- Linked Together V, Uplift V, and whatever else you want.  The usefulness of these two cannot be overstated. 

- (Optional): Get their colllection Masteries too. The extra stun, ATK, and health are significant, and great QoL. 

- Overmastery:  Crit Chance, Normal Dmg Cap, Skill Dmg Cap, plus whatever.  Normal Dmg Cap is priority.  I'm assuming that if you made it to PB, you have offense/defense masteries maxed.


Main Character:

- Maxed Awakened weapon: It's a pain and uses a lot of valuable mats, but it not only gives you a huge boost to health and offense, but also an additional 9 DMG Cap ranks; 5 from weapon trait, 4 from the sigil power up trait when max awakened (applies +1 to all sigils, including your existing DMG Cap V's).   After many attempts without this weapon, I'm convinced this fight is specifically tuned to require it.  Fortunately, you only need the one.

- Max(65) Damage Cap: See line above.  Additionally, you can get another 3-5 from wrightstone imbue if needed. 

- Stamina, Crit Damage, Tyranny(offset HP penalty with Aegis if you want).  

- (Optional) Potion Hoarder, Guts, Autorevive - Definitely want these while you're learning it.  Can remove once you're not getting spanked as much.

- (Optional) Glass Cannon V:  Bahamut is probably the easiest Proud fight to not get hit on (once you learn it), so if you're lucky enough to find one of these through Curios, it's a good use for it.  It gives extra damage AND damage cap.

- (Optional) Supplementary Damage, War Elemental - Very rare Curio rewards.  Both of these surpass your existing damage cap, so use 'em if you got 'em.  I still have neither of these 😭

Fill the rest of slots with what you want.  Drain, character-specific sigils, Cascade, etc.  Obviously if you use certain characters you may want to tweak this a bit.  Like Concentrated Fire for ranged characters, or Throw for Eugen, etc..


Lastly, Bring Buff/Debuff skills!  You can probably forgo your healing and defensive skills on this fight to bring other ones that enable you and your AI companions to do more damage.



For whatever it's worth, I was maining Narmaya, and used Rosetta, Eugen, and Io as AI.  I DO recommend ranged characters as AI, since they will get more attacks off and not spend time repositioning.  There may be better combinations.  I personally found Io to be really inconsistent on this fight.  However, I highly recommend Rosetta.  Her constant rose buffs are great, and her roses just wail on PB when he's down for extra passive damage.  


When I first made it to PB, I was just using standard crit (Stinger) weapons and had around 50 DMG Cap on my main, and around 40 on my AI characters.  While I could make it to the final dps check, I only passed it once, and there was a lot of luck and good timing that happened.  So it iS possible without any max awakened weapons, but you would need to time a crystal knockdown right around 16%, and make sure you get an SBA and Link time during the final check.  Even then, it's super close.  Honestly, it's a crapshoot, and ultimately, you'll want to save time by being able to clear this fight consitently.  Otherwise, you're spending over 15 minutes just getting to the point where you fail at the end.


Once you finally get a terminus weapon for a character you'd want to play as, focus on maxing that out and get your max health to under 45K for the buff.  After that, PB becomes quite easy even if your AI is still the same gear listed above.  With just the single max terminus on your main, all PB dps checks quickly become a joke.


Please comment if you disagree on anything or have anything to add.   More info can only help : )


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