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Thick as Thieves quest help


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Okay I'm trying to do Thick as Thieves, the one with the female bandits. All my pawns are female and I equipped my main character that is male with the set of lady's garbs. They still attack me on site. I don't have Maul's badge, but the quest is active to help me find the camp. Does the quest have to not be active or what?

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I couldnt get this to work until NG++++ lol. I always got attacked by Ophis on site & had a thought it might be because my pawns killed the female bandits that attack you on the way up there. So this time i traveled from the other direction, using a port crystal i had placed outside The Greatwall in my 2nd playthrough & i was able to talk to another bandit named Betiah, near the ladder. She gave me a task that once i'd done, was able to speak to Ophis & complete the quest.

If you plan on going for The Hero trophy to plat, either try to find Betiah & see if she will talk to you or just go for this quest in NG+ because i doubt Ophis' hostility toward you will change in your current game.

If you want to try my method, you can place the port crystal found in Bluemoon tower at The Greatwall during this current game & then be able to try the quest again once Gran Soren is reached in NG+. (cant use ferrystones until then). If you stay as a male, you'll still need to wear the outfit & leave the badge in storage again.

Because the quest system doesnt keep quests active as they get updated i rarely had them active & never had any troubles in that regards.

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