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Hey all! Working through my backlog.


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Hey all!  I'm new to this site and trophy hunting in general and figured this would be a good place to chat with likeminded people.


While I've been playing Playstation games for years and years, I never really cared about trophies at all.  At the same time though, I had a bad habit (and still do) of picking up games, putting a couple of hours into them and then never coming back.  I noticed that when I had a goal in mind (platting a game for example), it was enough of a motivator to get me to go back and actually finish some games and get the most out of them.  It's also gotten me to try games that I wouldn't otherwise care about (usually free titles from PS+).  While I love the feeling of platting games, there are a lot of them that are too time consuming/full of missables/difficult that I'll never get that platinum (looking at you FFX-HD and Super Meat Boy).  That said, I enjoy putting in the time to overcome reasonable challenges (Velocity Ultra/2X, Hotline Miami) and don't mind grinding something out if it's not too bad (Danganronpa school mode trophies).


Now that I've started trophy hunting casually, I'm working through my extensive backlog and trying to get my % completion up by finishing games (or at least giving them a fair shake), and platting some of those games along the way.  While I have a PS3 and PS4, most of my gaming ends up happening on Vita, so any recommendations for Vita plats or PS4 plats that would work well in Remote Play would be welcome.  Side note - the feeling of deleting a platted game from the limited Vita memory cards is fantastic.


Now that my wall o' text introduction is out of the way, I thought it could be fun to pose a question.


Q: What is the lowest % completion you've obtained while still beating the entire game?


A: For me it probably goes to Metal Gear Solid 4 with 5 bronze trophies and 7% completion after finishing it.

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Thanks for the warm welcome! I suppose asking about lowest completion percent probably wasn't particularly well thought out considering the audience.  I just remember going through my list of games after finishing MGS4, seeing 7% and thinking that there HAD to be a syncing error, then being really disappointed when it was correct.  May pick up more of the trophies when I inevitably rerun all the MGS games in a year or so.

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