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Firefly/Hunter trophy: Eliminating any risk or mistakes.

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Everyone just do down enemies, gifting team mates and healing team mates or even marking enemies challenges in that order complete most of the challenges as you can in a match and before the match ends like lets say there are two enemies left go to playstation menu and close the application before the match ends aka close the whole game (do not leave the match) stay in the match and close the application.


when you do this the day does not get wasted or used but the challenges you do stay. so lets say you did 5 out of 25 in one of the challenges and you close the application before the end of the match when you start up the application again and go back to multiplayer your day will still be at a stand still and not of been used and that 5 you did for the challenges will remain and still be there.


Just repeat this routine till all the challenges are done once they are done you don't have to worry about losing so many of your clan members and can maintain and can continue on with the matches till you have to do another challenge.


You can also use this method to make sure you have a good game and making sure you have enough blue containers to feed your clan and gain more members to get through the week and finish through week 12.


You will receive your trophy at the END of week 12 not the beginning.


(I know how unfair this game can be when throwing you in a mid late game and not giving you enough time to get what you need to survive the challenge and week and giving you hard or unrealistic challenges in later weeks with this method you wont have to worry about the game screwing you over from your hard work and time you put in. you get put in a late game close application in match and start it up again the match wont count) 


another note don't get kicked from game of inactivity it will screw up your whole process and put 100% of your whole clan in hungry and even sick. 

Edited by Klonoa_Namco_
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