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Farming Simulator 18 Trophy Discussion

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3 hours ago, Property_Damage said:

Ive only played farming simulator and farming simulator 14, both for the vita

as for 18, i never touched it or any other title of theirs after 14

Right, my mistake, sorry about it, I asked you thinking you were the OP.


On 5/2/2017 at 9:00 AM, Dreamcatcher4891 said:

I'm looking forward to adding a fifth (EDIT - sixth) Farming Simulator platinum to my collection :)

I am curious as to why you stopped playing Farming Simulator 18 - it on sales right now and I'm thinking about it but the fact that you gave up on it (having first platted a bunch of other Farming Simulators) makes me hesitate about this purchase.

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10 hours ago, det_gittes said:

I am curious as to why you stopped playing Farming Simulator 18 - it on sales right now and I'm thinking about it but the fact that you gave up on it (having first platted a bunch of other Farming Simulators) makes me hesitate about this purchase.


No particular reason really. Played it for about 7 or 8 hours then got caught up playing other stuff and I haven't had a chance to go back to it since then. It is next on my list once I've finished off LEGO: The Hobbit.


The game itself is probably the best Farming Simulator on the Vita so far. I do enjoy these games :)

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