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In-game collectibles. For or against?


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In every game I've ever played (I think), there's at least one trophy specifically for the collectibles in that game. While I've no doubt there are games out there without collectibles, I seem to have somehow missed them. ??


So to you, my fellow PSN Profiles peeps, I ask this world-shattering question: Is it time for game designers to move away from collectibles (specifically ones that have no bearing on the game itself and/or are just blatantly annoying)?


Personally, I say yes. I love collecting trophies. They add more to a game, imo. But enough with the extraneous collectibles already. Enough, I say. There are so many other things that could be used in a game to replace the gratuitous collectible trophy. 


So so sound off, my fellow gamers. Do you agree? Yay or Nay?

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For in general. Unless it's poorly designed in an open world game, like the first inFamous or mysteriously Agents of Mayhem. By now developers should know to give you some unlockable ability after beating the game to find them easier. Much easier.

For linear stuff like Uncharted, I like it. Though I think Golden Abyss did it best. Since you gained further understanding of the areas you were in. When you unlocked them all, Nathan would talk about stuff. I like that, it added reason to get them other than "mah trophies". Though iirc extras unlock with collectables too... but world building wise, it's far better. At best in ND's Uncharted you get a line from an NPC "did you find anything" and then something about it, but that's lame.

There's room for improvement, but I like to look around for stuff anyway. So it's nice if there's actually something to find.

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Ok. I'll give you props on the Uncharted collectibles. Granted, they did nothing to move the game along, but they were interesting to read about once they were found. 


The ones in Infamous are pretty much what I meant. It's like, "here. Go collect these. They're totally pointless. Just something to do. Enjoy." Collectibles like those, collecting for the sake of collecting and no other reason, is a time consuming bore. I'd much

rather battle a boss with nothing but a smile and my fists than spend endless hours hunting for a hundred floating hearts or three-hundred turtle toenails.

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1 hour ago, Dragn_Dolphin said:

Ok. I'll give you props on the Uncharted collectibles. Granted, they did nothing to move the game along, but they were interesting to read about once they were found. 


The ones in Infamous are pretty much what I meant. It's like, "here. Go collect these. They're totally pointless. Just something to do. Enjoy." Collectibles like those, collecting for the sake of collecting and no other reason, is a time consuming bore. I'd much

rather battle a boss with nothing but a smile and my fists than spend endless hours hunting for a hundred floating hearts or three-hundred turtle toenails.

um, what? inFamous used them for character upgrades. That's a purpose.

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