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Rough Rider

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is a trophy that asks you to ride every beast in the game and that good except and for some reasons you

should ride three different Graug, fire, ice, poison! 

I invest 60 hours, max all level, got all skills, got 100% game compilation and never once saw a poison or Ice Graug

yes I saw a fire Graug but that because of it was a side mission that asks me to use it to burn other enemies. 

I tried to do all the Videos on the net that shows where they are located and after 3 days 6 hours no it's not worth it man

any last advice !!!! 

Edited by MomeAlsadi
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hahaha I got it, for the people who would struggle for this trophy in the future, I found it in a completely different spot than the videos in the guides, it was in  the forest in Nurnen where you do the first Carnan mission, good luck 


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