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If You Can't Beat Them trophy - HOW?

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I cannot get this stupid trophy for one very irritating reason: Right before an orc is about to kill me for the third time, one of my followers shows up to save me and my killer is the one who's killed. It's so insanely frustrating. I've even been saved by what the game called a "Mysterious Saviour".


How the f**k am I supposed to do this if I can't even die the third time? And if you're curious, seven times. This has happened seven bloody times.


Anyone have any ideas on how to possibly get the third death without being saved?

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  • 11 months later...

If you do a Pit Mission and loose on purpose you will get a new orc instantly that can kill you after he killed your orc, good method for new "chapters, areas".


I had the misfortune of being saved also and it is annoying trophy wise.

Best thing to do is to die against orcs that have the talent "No Chance" so they instantly kill you, it seem to negate being saved most of the times that can happen.

Also the mysterious saviour comes randomly once in a while. You'll understand why later on.


When you get saved you can always dominate the orc that saves you and order him to retreat.

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