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Trapping Expert info


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Whether it's intended or not, or potentially a bug, it seems like this trophy may only require trapping 4 different animals, maybe even only 3. In my playthrough that I got this trophy, I only trapped these 4: Rat (part of Blane's story), Hare, Wolf, and Deer.


It could be that the description of the trophy intended the "type" to be classified as the animal's size, not species. It's possible that the Hare may not be necessary to trap, but it's probably a safe bet anyway because it also may have something to do with the 4 initial traps that are available from Blane.


This actually makes the trophy significantly easier than it first looks. Assuming that you got the Rat trapped during Blane's story, you would just need to have enough Seeds stockpiled to buy the other traps from the Trader. Here's a list of the animals, what I used to bait them, and at what location:


  • Hare - Snare Trap, Mixed Nuts, immediately outside the St. Clarence Park entrance (where you go for Maggie's first quest). They can also be found inside St. Clarence Park.
  • Wolf - Conibear Trap (you get 5 of these for free during one of Blane's quest), Wolf Bait (progress through Wendy's story), inside St. Clarence Park.
  • Deer - Jaw Trap, Deer Bait (Wendy's story), inside St. Clarence Park.

The Hares will need at multiple Mixed Nuts (I think 10 would be a safe bet) because the Snare Traps have a low success rate. Multiple Snares might help too, but I don't think it's necessary. I don't think you necessarily need to stick around the area for them to get trapped. I did place a Snare Trap in this area, then left to do other things, came back and noticed I did manage to trap one. If you do want to be around for it though, just know the Hares don't always appear; you can try to load the area multiple times by using the St. Clarence Park entrance.


Generally Wolves are basically everywhere, but if you do want to try to trap those damn ones that appear once you go inside St. Clarence Park, there's a little more information to provide:


First, you can't really place the Conibear Trap anywhere but right under where you drop down from. Second, the Wolves won't take the bait if they notice you, so you have to place down the trap, use the bait, then sneak away (use L1 to sneak) to the wall nearby (opposite of the direction of where the wolves are) and just wait for them. They take quite a while to stroll to it, but you can walk towards them while sneaking to see if they're actually moving. They're also not always there, and can be randomly placed in the area where the Deer are.


The Deer in St. Clarence Park are in the actual "park" area, where the's a few benches and tables, near the C4 rock wall. The Deer behave a little strangely, since as soon as they notice you they'll just start running around in circles. I think it's best to bring in multiple Jaw traps (I brought 3), and try to place them all in the open area. Try to approach the area while sneaking, and if they notice you, just try to get a decent distance away from them and they should eventually go for the bait.

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