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Stuck at chapter 6 - Solution


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I really managed to un-stuck yesterday, but since this game is a freaking nightmare with getting certain skills on time, I wanted to leave this here in case someone needs help too. I noticed that most players who bought the game were unable to finish the game, according to psn profiles trophies. It's probably because they couldn't go on with the story since they were unable to obtain certain skills that unlock the new areas. Here I go:


1. Once the weapons reach lvl 7 at proficiency, remove them from all the characters and equip each weapon in a different character. Level up until lvl 7 proficiency, repeat until every weapon is lvl 7 in every character. Use the training facility, it's easier to lvl up there. For some reason, if you are on your first playthrough, once you reach lvl 7 proficiency the weapons get stuck at that level, no matter how much you lvl up the characters. WTF.


2. Use the skill points wisely. Let the girls learn their unique special skill as soon as possible using the disc analysis. Learn other skills little by little. Locate the skills on the disc first, before using the points like crazy. The most important skills are: Shrine of Hope (Otoha, located 3 left, 2 up from the center of the disc), Valkyrie Nocturne (Kyouka, located 5 down from the center of the disc), Fantasy Friant (Kanadeko, 1 up, 1 right from the center. I ended up hating this one so much because I never had enough points to reach there), Prima Dona (Nene, 7 down from the center) and Solitary Rhapsody (Aria, 5 up, 1 left. It happened the same than with Kanadeko). 


3. Do all the quests you can. Seriously. I wanted to beat the game quickly before going for a second playthrough and I skipped like half of them. Bad decission.


4. Do all the quests that are related to unlocking map skills. The NPCs in town will tell you to perform group skills in battle. You'll need the girls to learn specific skills, using the disc analysis, in order for the group skills asked by the NPCs to be available. IE: to perform skill "F", you may need to have A, B, C, D and E learnt and equipped, each one on a different character, so they can perform the group skill in battle (press --> to command switch, choose Harmonics, then skill, then press square button and search for the group skill. Be sure that all the girls are active in the Harmonics or else the group skill will be unavailable). Once you do this, the quest will be completed and you'll be able to go through new areas. Talk to the NPCs and they will ask you for the next required group skill. To beat chapter 6 and go on with the story, you'll need to learn and perform up until 8 different group skills in battle. This is were I got stuck and, no matter where I looked for help online, I could not get what it was necessary to even unlock the quests needed. Until I stumbled upon the information I explained on point 1.


5. I also read that there are like 8 free dlcs to use. I never thought there could be so many free dlcs, so I never searched for them. Download them. It really helps. They give a lot of money and other things that are useful. 


Edited by RoseDragoon
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