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Suggestions - Games Settings: Multiplatform & Region Options

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Hi Team,


Thank you ever so much for this amazing site, I use it multiple times a day. It's awesome.


I just had a couple of suggestions that, for me anyway, would help improve the site functionality.


1) Would it be possible to have the option to view games with Multiplatform (shared trophies) on both https://psnprofiles.com/games and on profiles under the Platform option? (I use this to see what other people have played, it's really useful for finding new games.) There's PS3, PS4, PS5, Vita, VR and All but adding Multiplatform would be great, especially as there doesn't appear to be a definitive list of shared Multiplatform trophies anywhere online that I can find, and I fancy a go at getting up the leaderboard for those. It would also make sense to have this feature since there's a dedicated leaderboard for those games - https://psnprofiles.com/leaderboard/multi


2) I use https://psnprofiles.com/games to look for new games to buy. I have absolutely no interest in multi-region stacks, so the option to hide any games that, in my case, aren't EU would substantially declutter the list and make it easier to find things. Perhaps a setting in https://forum.psnprofiles.com/settings/ or the PSNP settings, so for example I could disable NA, AS, JP, PH, etc games from the Games view and only see games on that page for the EU region. I guess you could add a dropdown menu at the top next to Platform on https://psnprofiles.com/games as well/instead.


Hopefully I posted this in the right place. I look forward to any feedback and am happy to clarify anything.


Many thanks.

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  • 6 months later...

This may be haram but I am gonna do it. Self bump Memri TV style. Urgh. 


If we are gonna have multiplatform games on this site, can we please search by multiplatform?


You invented this shit. It's interesting. Please allow us to investigate and improve based on a parameter YOU invented. 


Please don't make me bump this again. ?


Edited by baboon_overlord
Reason for edit: Mods ignore me and I cry myself to sleep. BawaHAHAHA. This is basically bullying at this point. I'm going to drink myself unconscious. Tucker Carlson would understand, if booze was fentanyl.
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On 1/24/2021 at 7:32 PM, baboon_overlord said:

2) I use https://psnprofiles.com/games to look for new games to buy. I have absolutely no interest in multi-region stacks, so the option to hide any games that, in my case, aren't EU would substantially declutter the list and make it easier to find things. Perhaps a setting in https://forum.psnprofiles.com/settings/ or the PSNP settings, so for example I could disable NA, AS, JP, PH, etc games from the Games view and only see games on that page for the EU region. I guess you could add a dropdown menu at the top next to Platform on https://psnprofiles.com/games as well/instead.


Came here to make the same suggestion. Would appreciate this filter as well.

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2 hours ago, B1rvine said:

Your best bet is to suggest it as a feature in the 3rd party PSNP+ thread, if it's not already included. 




Hi @B1rvine thank you very much for 1) all you do and 2) for this suggestion.
I searched Google, Duckduckgo and the site for any mention of this. To me it sounds like an obvious improvement that wouldn't be too difficult to implement since it's just a database issue.


Edit: I looked at Husky's stuff as well and I don't remember that being a feature. I do think this is something that should be natively supported since this site invented the concept of "multiplatform" leaderboards, and limiting the search to your own region should really be a thing.


I'll agree to disagree and ask Husky what he thinks. I personally just want to use this website and not a third-party script on said website. As incompetent at SQL databases as I am, even I could get this up and running in a day or two if I had access to the backend.  


Just to be clear, you aren't inventing the wheel here, everything is already in your database, you just need to make a menu for it. The people who made this site are obviously very talented, I'm guessing, 30 minutes to an hour's work at most to implement this.


t. Professional IT manager.

Edited by baboon_overlord
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34 minutes ago, baboon_overlord said:

I'll agree to disagree and ask Husky what he thinks. I personally just want to use this website and not a third-party script on said website. As incompetent at SQL databases as I am, even I could get this up and running in a day or two if I had access to the backend.


For what it's worth, I agree with your suggestion. I'm not in charge of updating the site though, so I can't tell you if it will be implemented.


I do think we're in the minority though, since most trophy hunters try to platinum every stack there is, and while it's rare, there's also the oddball game only available in one region, and people will use alt accounts to buy/play etc. Do note, some games aren't listed by region either, such as the PH you've mentioned, which stands for Physical, vs DG standing for Digital.


Still, the option sounds useful.





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Thanks mate, I really appreciate your reply.



For what it's worth, I agree with your suggestion. I'm not in charge of updating the site though, so I can't tell you if it will be implemented.


Thank you. I work in IT and it frustrates me greatly that I freely offer my time to companies that have broken websites/digital products or whatever. I literally tell the customer service people that I am happy to explain what the problem is to the IT guys FOR FREE and so far not one company has taken me up on my offer, despite the support people agreeing with my assessment. It's insane.



I do think we're in the minority though, since most trophy hunters try to platinum every stack there is


I have stated numerous times on this site that I am someone who NEEDS personal goals or I go insane. Around this time last year I decided to buy a Vita and got into the realm of what the elitists around here call "EZPZ" games. From my perspective, a lot of the Ratalaika games are what I would consider perfect Vita games, so my profile is now "contaminated" for many people on this site. I set myself various goals and now I finally made my last personal target of getting into the top 10,000, I am back to playing hard games. I admit I have done a couple of "stacks" recently, but now I just want to plat hard games and work on my ultra rares. This site honestly saved me from going insane and having the leaderboard was the only thing keeping me going at times over the last year. I live in France and our government has gone bonkers. The lockdowns here have been so extreme, I would probably have "an heroed" myself one way or another if it wasn't for this site.   



PH you've mentioned, which stands for Physical, vs DG standing for Digital.


That's quality, thank you. I thought it was Philippines ?.  

Edited by baboon_overlord
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