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I can't retrieve or change my password

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Hello, quick sum up of the situation: I'm logged in on my PC since forever (several years), and I would like to log in on my tablet. Problem is I can't remember my password because I didn't come to log back in a long while...


If I ask for a password reset on my tablet, it doesn't send it to my email. It's the right email I entered since I can see it from my PC in my account. It's not in junk mail or anything, just not there. I just tried on my PC in private navigation but it says I already asked for a reset recently so for now I can't be certain it would work...


Please help, thanks.

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Any easy way to fix this issue is to just go through the sign up process like you've never used the forums/site before.


Ask to register, put the code into your about me again, and it will walk you through the sign up process as if it's the first time, and you'll be able to reset your password again there.

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5 hours ago, GastNDorf said:

Thanks, it worked just as expected! :)

Good deal! I'll close this thread, but feel free to reach out if you have any other questions on this.


Oddly enough, I found out about this workaround back in 2015-ish because I did the same thing! Haha. Glad it's still useful! ;)

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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