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I'm wondering about the search functions outside the forums.


Can I perform a search that tells me game difficulty?  In example in each guide there is a platinum difficulty rating and rather than search each game can I search a difficulty list based on user votes?


When I perform a search on Trophies and then Rarity say Ultra Rare and Platinum and then I hit ascending or descending the list does not go in numerical order based on percentage.  It's all over the place like 0.63% 2.28% and the next one is 4% then 2.5%.  What is it determining for Ascending and Descending as it's filter?  Is it number of achievers or alphabetical list of games?  I wanted to sort by trophy percentage achieved as this was my second idea to see how hard some of the games I own are 


Thank You

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I don't think you can search with that much detail. We recently had a topic about how much the search functionality is lacking.


So your other option may be the better choice. For your example, pick these settings:

  • Order: Rarity PSN Profiles
  • Rarity: Ultra rare
  • Type: Platinum
  • Direction: Pick your king
Edited by pinkrobot_pb
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