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Patterns not working


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It seems that none of the patterns for the original pac-man work here. Even without any pause and following the patterns religiously, the ghosts, at some point, take a different path than what they follow in some vids, that different behaviour is always the same one and nullifies any known pattern.


EDIT: i finally managed to score 200k points.

I decided to change the system language to english since I couldn't understand what a setting was supposed to mean (for a potential bad translation in my language. FYI I'm talking about "Navigation" which I still don't know what it does, I have put it ON anyway). From now on, magically, the pattern was finally working as the ghost who previously kept moving differently, from now on has been moving like supposed to.

I used this pattern:


Pattern 2. It is mandatory that for each turn, you move there ASAP, there can't be 1 frame of delay in any turn otherwise you are dead. What I did was holding the left stick towards where I wanted to go before even reaching the turn itself. If you do this, the whole pattern should usually work. I say usually, because towards the end, the cyan ghost should be moving away while you are going straight from about the top middle to the top left area with the orange ghost moving down. What may happen here is that this last ghost will actually go straight and so chase you, if that happens you may need to improvise, but what I could do several times was to backtrack and take the shortest route to the left tunnel and go there to pop on the other side, from there make my way to the last dots. In some rare cases, the cyan will actually chase you.

Whatever happens, it is possible to get the last dots in the top left area without die, assuming you use the power dot correctly in order to gain those few extra seconds needed to get the last dots.


If you die, the pattern won't work, so get the remaining dots however you want to move to the next round.

Edited by VirtualNight
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