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Exploit to clear any level


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It was mentioned on the other thread that you can basically skip through the game and unlock every level, then play the ones with specific trophies and skip the rest. It's actually even easier than that since you can cheese any level in the game. That said, it does require a small amount of thought to set up and can take a few minutes, so it's only worth using if you try a level first and get stuck.


The exploit:


When the game checks if a piece should be removed, it's only checking something like its distance from where it started and not its distance from other pieces. Because of that, all you need to do to clear any level is inch all the pieces away from where they start until they disappear.

If you're able to move a piece to the right, for example, you'll probably be able to move every piece to the right, even if just a little bit. Obviously order matters here since you'll need to move certain pieces out of the way for other pieces to move and so on. Find a pattern that lets you move every piece to the right (or whichever direction) and just keep repeating that pattern. Eventually, one piece will disappear, at which point you can either continue until you win or try to solve the puzzle yourself with a piece removed.


tl;dr: Just slide every piece in one direction repeatedly until they disappear.

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