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Place of Three Deaths with Clean hands and Stealth (save reload fo 3rd kill)


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Mission 4 : Paolo visit the black market and then go back in a alley (where the windows is open). From afar, shoot Paolo with a sleep dart (best if they re at the end of the alley) and run before the 2 Howlers (Paolo's bodyguards) spot you. Paolo's body will disappear and it will count as killing Paolo one time with no kill count.

Mission 6 : Put Paolo to sleep with Sleep dart to "kill" him a second time. Paolo will come back to his office. If you put Paolo to sleep a third time, it will not count for the trophy. Save. Kill Paolo for real the third time to gain the trophy and reload your save to not have killed Paolo for Clean hands. I wanted to give Paolo to the Overseers to see if it will count as killing Paolo with Clean hands, but he died accidentally before I could try. I moved on, but if you are curious you can check if it work.

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