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General Trophy Info


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Hey, I just wanted to note some stuff about the trophies. Basically, stuff I was interested to know before I had actually played the game, stuff that is good to know when you're starting the journey to Platting this game. The tl;dr version of this is that this is a very doable plat, not super time-consuming, not very difficult even though there's a difficulty trophy in it.


Kill 5 bosses on Legendary - Legendary is the highest difficulty in the game, but it is actually not as hard as it sounds. I had wondered if you could just make new save files and kill the first boss over and over, but it doesn't look like that works, so just have to kill 5 different ones in one save. There are 8 total bosses, so only need 5. You could go for boss 6 or 7 if you wanted to, but I think he first 5 will be quickest and easiest. The biggest thing to note about Legendary, and it's something it doesn't mention when choosing the difficulty, but you can't upgrade your stamina for whatever reason. You can upgrade your health, and you can keep your totems banked to get a free full heal, even during a boss fight. Just wait to upgrade the health when you actually need to heal up. Damage taken doesn't seem to be outrageous and didn't notice much difference compared to normal. I only upgraded a couple pieces of clothes once and just upgraded the item pouch twice. Bosses don't get new weakpoints, they're in the same spots, and everything else is pretty much the same. Just don't run out of stamina while swimming, you'll die. Here's a trick, by the way, to make things even faster. If you run into a storm on the way to a boss, if you can save, just save, then reload the save. As of writing, this tends to end the storm and you don't have to spend as much time making fire and gathering wood.


Collect 60 totems - There are exactly 60 totems in the game, so you need them all. SygianWolf4 has a collectible guide in a different topic here, and I used that to get them all. I recommend doing that on an easier difficulty, since you can swim without dying and upgrade your stamina. Except for one totem in the boss 6 area and 3 totems on the way to boss 7, everything else can pretty much be gotten after beating boss 1. You can get most of the trophies just on the way to getting all 60. By the way, you will need 6 pieces of deer meat, 2 pieces of boar meat, and 2 pieces of fish to get certain totems. All the meat needs to be raw, don't cook it. Try to carry raw deer meat especially, because there's not always enough deer near the area where you need the meat. Also have wood to create a fire for certain totems where you need to light things on fire.


Collect 20 lore notes - There's way more than 20 notes, and a lot are near totems or just in obvious spots. Not an issue.


Beat a boss in Echo Mode - There's some pillars around the map you can interact with to replay any previously beaten bosses. It will be at the same difficulty you're at, so you can't use this to get 5 bosses on Legendary. You can also revisit a boss area to see a glowing swirl you can interact with to replay that boss.


Defeat 50 undead - Before a recent patch, this was nearly impossible to get, but they patched it and it counts correctly now. Throughout the map there are several group of 2-3 undead enemies that crawl out of the ground, either with a bow or sword. They take about 4-5 hits to kill with a tier 2 sword/axe. I'd recommend trying to get a tier 2 sword before trying to take them on. You can find 3 damaged swords in the area with the 3 tombs with the gods that talk to you. You can dismantle two swords and break boxes in the starting area to get enough materials to fix the 3rd sword. They've improved the durability of the weapons, so you can kill quite a few before it gets damaged again. There's about 9-12 undead on the way to boss 5, in the western part of the north island. You'll run into a lot while getting the totems. If you don't get all 50, they do eventually respawn, so you can go back to those 9-12 to get to 50 if you're not there yet.


Hunt 50 animals - All animals count: deer, boar, rabbits, crows, fish. To get certain totems, you have to get deer/boar/fish meat anyway. Plus you need animal skins or feather to do most upgrades. You may do this naturally if you're trying to upgrade stuff anyway. For boar/deer, go for headshots. Even with a tier 1 bow on Legendary, a headshot will kill it. Otherwise you'll be sinking 4-5 arrows and running around for too long.


Cut down 20 trees - Cutting down trees, at least before the durability buff, was almost a complete waste. It might be better now that they improved durability. In any case, what you can do is if you see a tier 1 axe stick out of a log near trees, just drop a weapon, use the axe to cut trees down (don't chop up the logs that fall) until it becomes damaged, then dismantle it and get your weapon back. That way you can work towards this without wasting durability.


Light 100 things on fire - This happened to me literally when I was just running around, not setting anything on fire. I think it's generously bugged in some way that just gives you credit for fires you don't even start.


Craft 20 items - Crafting arrows counts for this, which I ended up doing a lot because of hunting animals and solving puzzles.


Reach for the Gods - Unlike Shadow of the Colossus, you don't need a ridiculous stamina bar for this. There's videos out there showing how to get up there, and you can use the grappling hook to help.


Defeat 3 champions - There's 3 locations for champions on the map, they're all surrounding by a circular stone pillar structure. You will probably run into them by doing totems. If you have like 2-3 tier 2 weapons, you should be good. Slash the legs until they kneel down, climb on their back, deal with the shaking (probably they'll shake 3 times but not always), do 1 attack, then jump off, run away, repeat. Not too bad and they give you some decent stuff. The champions do respawn, so you might not need to kill them in all 3 locations, but that's what I did.

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