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Platinum Tips After Just Finishing the Game


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An easy 2/10 Platinum. Here are a few recommendations as you play the game.


Do every optional quest as they become available so you don't have to backtrack. If I remember correctly, I always had the necessary skills once the quests became available.


There is a dance option, O on PS controller, where you headland a civilian and they have a brief dance. I didn't know this was in the game until I was doing cleanup. There are only 6 or 7 of these unique dances, as the civilians all do the same dance in the same map area. There is a different dance for the male and female in each area.


There is a trophy to headland every body type as you play. Just headland everything as you go along, each headland just takes a few seconds.


Grab the mirrored shield upgrade ASAP. Great for survivability while in head mode. Also, there are several areas with lasers shooting both ways. This shield upgrade will allow you to get through these areas, helping fill out exploration and giving you shortcuts. The Overcharge Boost is also very useful, both in combat and getting through progression areas.


Explore every area. This is a Metroidvania, so there is inherent backtracking, but not a ton if you look around completely. I had no problem naturally finding all the rooms, but there are a few that are well hidden. The map can be somewhat confusing because there are warp points that take you to different maps that are not connected to the larger overall map you are usually looking at. But, again, I didn't need to access a guide. Just study the map, most areas are pretty obvious.


For the Male Driver Trophy, you can Kill Mappy before you take his map data, let the trophy pop, and immediately quit the game before it saves. He will be back when you reload. Also, if you somehow miss it, you can start a new game and grab it in 5 mins.


The puzzles are fun and have a somewhat adventure game vibe to them at times (this is a Double Fine game after all) but they never hit the level of frustration a lot of these games can get to.


Overall, a very good, unique Metroidvania. Fun humor. Nothing difficult, I think I had to look at 1 guide for one of the optional quests. The robot color mechanic for opening doors gets a little old after a while, but other than that, nothing ever gets repetitive or confusing. A nice, relaxing 10ish hour experience. I'm glad I finally gave it a shot.

Edited by cobaltTangerine
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