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Locked Out of A Place to Call Home [FIXED]


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Well what a great system the one-save system is. 

Right at the end of the electrical substation quest and decided to make the necessary backup save.

Loaded back in and all the doors in the substation have locked themselves again and the lift is no longer working, hence now completely locked out of finishing the quest. 

This game needs more than one save option!


EDIT: Finally found a fix for those that need it. A very kind co-op player jumped into my game who had a grappling hook and somehow managed to get the elevator to come back down. Huge thanks to that player but if you end up in this situation then place a call for help and get another player to try and just hope that you end up glitching it back.


The lesson I learned here and hopefully can pass on is to really look where you backup your saves, try and make sure it's not in a room you can be locked out of.



Edited by Anke
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