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Buggy Top Three Trophy & Observations


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I wasn't expecting much from Hunt, but since the game only had six trophies, I believed all six trophies would unlock according to their descriptions. Nope. After scoring 3150 and reaching third place, the Top Three trophy did not unlock. The trophy unlocked the second time I got in the top three, albeit with a lower score of 2750. I shot far more than three bears, yet the Three Bears trophy did not unlock. I even shot three bears in a single game without an unlock. I achieved 5600 and earned the top place on the leaderboard. The Top Spot trophy did not unlock. This game is a mess.


EDIT: Three Bears finally unlocked after shooting my twelfth bear. It is possible players may have to shoot three bears sequentially with single headshots to unlock Three Bears. Also, Top Spot must be earned offline; the trophy did not unlock for me while I was connected to the internet. I would recommend closing the game on the XMB after every round, then reloading it again for every new game while attempting Top Spot.



  • Hunt is essentially a polygon walking simulator. This isn't a complaint about the graphics. I just thought there would be more, you know, hunting.
  • Features shown in the trailer are not in the game. The trailer shows three firearm options: sniper rifle, shotgun, and assault rifle. The game only offers two options: sniper rifle (read: bolt-action hunting rifle) and semi-automatic rifle (read: semi-auto assault rifle with non-functioning under-barrel grenade launcher). This is quite disappointing. I was looking forward to continuing the tradition of Welsh ancestors and hunting rabbits with a grenade launcher. The trailer also shows the player walking up to downed targets and collecting the animal's body for cash. This option does not exist in-game. Once you shoot an animal, that's it. You only receive 100 points for the kill, no cash for the body.
  • Always choose AM to hunt. PM has almost no wildlife and the trophy score requirements are the same as AM.
  • Always use the bolt action rifle. The assault rifle has horrible recoil, no magnification, and does less damage, allowing animals to escape.
  • The sound design is horrible. Deer, elk, and moose all share the same grunt. If you are close when you shoot a deer, elk, or moose, they squeak just like the shot rabbits. The bears and boars both use the same growl when they spawn, so you can't tell which animal actually spawned. It also sounds like a bear is spawning three feet behind you when in fact it is often 25m-50m in the distance. The direction of the growl does not necessarily correspond to the direction of the spawn. You might hear the growl 3m behind you on your left when the boar has actually spawned 25m in front of you. The same acoustic misdirection goes for deer/elk/moose grunts. Perhaps it is an intentional jump scare tactic, but it's probably just poor audio engineering. The best solution I've found so far is to turn 360 degrees while scanning as soon as I hear a bear/boar growl.
  • Ironically, even though you are supposed to be hunting alone in the wilderness, you can hear one person talking faintly in the background on higher volume levels. Occasionally it sounds like someone is sitting down at a desk and opening a drawer.
  • The rarest trophy is Top Spot, which requires you to obtain 5050 points in fifteen minutes. Animals provide 100 points each, which means killing 35 to 50 animals in fifteen minutes (900 seconds), an average of one kill every eighteen to twenty-two seconds. Rabbits are worth 150, and bears/boars are worth 200, but these are both uncommon spawns. The main problem is so few animals spawn. Spawn points not only generate random types of animals, but they also generate a random number of animals. One game a spawn point might create three bears and a rabbit (700 points). The next game that same spawn point might generate a single deer (100 points). The next round it might not generate anything at all (0 points). There is no way to know. The animals that do spawn are extremely skittish, frequently detect you before you spot them, and will run behind cover faster than you can chase them. Your rifle scope moves. extremely. slow. and there is no way to increase its movement speed. The combination of these challenges makes unseating Tyler with 5050 points extremely difficult.
  • Animals frequently fall through the map in certain areas, making it impossible to see them or kill them for points. The frustrating part is that until the animals in that area die, no new animals will spawn. This broken mechanic can lock affected areas into being zero-point or low-point zones for an entire round. Bears and boars also fall under the map, then run under your feet and kill you. You may never see or hear them; you will simply drop dead. 
  • Each round is fifteen minutes. If you are going for trophies and haven't earned 1600 points (13-16 kills) in the first five minutes, I would recommend closing the game and restarting.
  • Sniper, also by Sabec Limited, is much more enjoyable and has trophies that are user-friendly. Sadly, you cannot hunt rabbits with a grenade launcher in that game either.



Edited by poetic_justice_
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