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Guardians of the Galaxy PS5 - May have screwed myself

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This is a bit of a long story, but I may have really screwed myself, or as the Guardians say, flarked up.  Back in May, I played the first chapter of Guardians of the Galaxy on PS4.  Shortly thereafter, one of my brothers got a PS5, and I moved Guardians over no problem.  Then I played about 40% of the story.  However, I noticed back then that a trophy didn't pop when I carried the game data over.  I'm not sure what exactly I did next, but my progress on the game on PS5 was reverted to where I was when I got that first trophy.  The issue is that on PS5, it recognizes I got as far as I did in the game, but the chapter select feature doesn't do anything.  Once I beat the last chapter I was on, it sends me back to the menu.  I was out of state for a few months, so I'm thinking about going back to this game.  It's not the end of the world if I need to do it again, but I've got a backlog, and I'd rather not spend time doing things I've already done.  

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If it were me, I would probably never go back to the game if I didn't complete it right away. I don't think I've come across a time in my life where I didn't have a backlog of games I've wanted to play, so the games that I've said, 'I have to replay this game to get the plat, I'll go through it another time'... I never do. That's just me though.


I enjoyed my time with GotG... and I wasn't sure how much cleanup I had to do with the game by the time I was done. But for me it looks like it's only a couple outfits and a handful of the combat related ones. I don't think I would have it in me to go through the entire game again. Great story, loved it and would recommend it for anyone to try out and play. But even replaying a couple of the chapters already, it feels like a bit of a slog since I've just done it. And even if it was a couple years from now, I don't think it was a very replayable game for my taste's.


Which Trophy(s) do you need to get? Assuming your problem is getting the plat, if you completed it I would think you wouldn't have to go through the ENTIRE game depending on which ones you are missing.

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20 hours ago, Susto668 said:

Which Trophy(s) do you need to get? Assuming your problem is getting the plat, if you completed it I would think you wouldn't have to go through the ENTIRE game depending on which ones you are missing.

I'm not necessarily trying to plat the game, although I am aware it is a very doable plat.  I got around 40% in the story.  I did not see the latter half of the game.

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Oh, I totally misread the situation. I Read 'beat the last chapter' and was thinking the last chapter of the game.


40% is quite far and you probably already made your decision. But If I understand correctly, I would restart on the PS5 and power through what I already played. Still a bunch of game left and it's a great marvel movie type story. Frustrating bug going one console to the next, but I've never tried something like that. I think the game and story is worth playing through.... Trophy hunting aside.






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