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Removed account

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My main account  TheComradeBeard was banned and I'm unsure why. Based on other forums I saw that sly's tools works by checking time stamps. I know that i recently transferred some of my ps4 games to ps5, so it looks like I got a bunch of ps5 assassin's creed Valhalla trophies all in the span of a minute. Has anyone else had this issue? Can anyone can help?

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3 minutes ago, ComradBeard said:

My main account  TheComradeBeard was banned and I'm unsure why. Based on other forums I saw that sly's tools works by checking time stamps. I know that i recently transferred some of my ps4 games to ps5, so it looks like I got a bunch of ps5 assassin's creed Valhalla trophies all in the span of a minute. Has anyone else had this issue? Can anyone can help?

I would personally message Sly to get this resolved.

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17 minutes ago, ComradBeard said:

My main account  TheComradeBeard was banned and I'm unsure why. Based on other forums I saw that sly's tools works by checking time stamps. I know that i recently transferred some of my ps4 games to ps5, so it looks like I got a bunch of ps5 assassin's creed Valhalla trophies all in the span of a minute. Has anyone else had this issue? Can anyone can help?


Im going to guess it’s the first point. And since Sly said audits have shown the removals to be correct, I don’t think you’re going to get any help. 


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