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trophies timestamps problems!

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I need help to understand how the timestamps work and how it’s coming problem or broken like when someone says you cheat or not because I tired to understand what is wrong with my trophies I contact sony after I got removed because cheating and asked is there any problem with my trophy timestamps is there any problems with my account and I explained to them how I get kicked from the board becouse I got problems with my timestamps of my trophies ,they simply answered me that  this is beyond our scope service!! I re-send them back to know what they means that you cant handle by our region service or all sony company? They didnt answer yet 

I spnt hours last days googling and searching here to know what is my problem and I chick the last month trophies one by one to see if there any trophy without time or something up normal I saw nothin, I send emails to some youtube player I get nothing becuse that I make this topic I want someone to help me out to know what is my problem to fix it , maybe I don’t understand timestamps as I know I can feed this information its may be help any one can help me .




((Before any things I did not cheaaaaatttt !!.))


-First Important things maybe helps to figure out on December I start many easy platinum games And I got it by my ps app remotely with my ps5

I noticed that my ps5 was crashed and lagging and freezing so much and many trophy didint pop out only platinum trophy pop out but I checked the trophies that didnt pop out I saw them on the trophy list I figured that maybe the trophies so fast because they are clicking or pressing games and fast platinum games (that happened multiple times )but after restarting the console manually and sync the trophy its all fine nothing strange . It was on my mind to make rebuild the database but I don’t know if my other games save going to remove so I said to myself to do it later after I finish all that easy platinum list . 


-Second information I had that I played on my psvita and some trophy of one game didn’t sync with my main account it synced with the alt account so I stopped play by ps vita 


- I started some games on my ps3 but didnt get any trophy yet as I remember.


The last info that might helps :

I have 

-2 ps5 consoles 

-3 ps4 consoles 

-1 psvita

-3 ps3

I use one console each except ps5 I use one on my work sometimes the other one at my home for me and my kids but they barely play on it .


, I still waiting sony to answer but really I dont know if there answers will helped me or not .


And is there any way to know by this website codes which tropies has problems or maybe there was a delay by psn so that some trophies didnt sync after that the website thought I am cheating ? 

It must be the problem by one of that easy platinum games but nothing appears on my console list its all listed normally 


And I have all trophies screenshots I didnt delete them in case to prove my situation. 


I effort so many on my account if anyone can helps me out I will be soooo appreciated !!!!


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Sony has nothing to do with this site, they can’t help you. 

Timestamps are the date and time shown attached to each trophy indicating when it was unlocked. 

Your account has timestamps that are only possible in situations that the site rules indicate are not possible and your profile is removed. Only @Sly Ripper, if he chooses to, can tell you which specific trophies are the problem. No one else can help you. 


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