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**RANT** This game epitomizes inconsistency and I hate it


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I just need to rant and hopefully get some perspective/discussion going on this game.


There's a ton of randomness and inconsistencies I've witnessed while playing and I absolutely hate when you do something in a game twice, and get two different results. I feel like it makes the game conditionally conquerable, which means your mastery only matters to a degree in the end result.


First Gripe -- The moment you load into the level, everything starts moving. If you leave the starting platform 1 second after loading, vs 3 seconds after loading, you'll have very different runs throughout the level as the patterns change. I guess this shit adds "flavor" and difficulty to the game -- but I absolutely hate the randomness that's introduced into time trials from it. I mitigate it by always restarting and leaving the second I can, but it's annoying to have to consider, but only for time trials IMO because leaderboards aren't established on a level playing field -- conceptually speaking, not that it matters for the trophies.


Second Gripe -- There's a pretty drastic delay in button presses and I think that is the reason why my buttons full-on ghost in some instances. I'll hear the button click on the controller IRL, but nothing happens, and then I die. Mostly happens when doing the "flip" attack and trying to do actions while dashing. 


Third Gripe -- I run into a ton of instances where my character's head will be halfway through a hazard and I'll be alive, then I have instances where I'll be centimeters away from hazards and have a run ended from it. Sometimes I'll be about a cm from a hazard, and see my character get sharply sucked into the hazard and die.


All-in-all, the game is a good, very challenging game, but it definitely has it's nuances that naturally jack up the difficulty from what it would be otherwise, which I find to be the case in many games -- and wonder if it's a developer choice, or just overlooked during development.

Edited by Long-Ryde
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Hey, I'm just starting the game too so I will post an update as soon as I have completed a major portion of it.


Update: the completion of the game took me around 20 hours for it needed 4 playthroughs:

-on easy

-on normal

-on ragequit rex difficulty

-speedrun playthrough


Unfortunaly higher difficulty trophies do not stack over the easier ones.

Speedrun is a game mode that has to be done separately.

The collectibles in this game are easy to find with or without a video on youtube. You have to aim for a "100% completed" tag of each level. Needless to say you better do this during your easy playthrough.


Edited by Eyes_Grim
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