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Platinum Tips After Just Finishing the Game

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It has been a few weeks since I finished this one, so I'm probably forgetting a few things. I'd say 2/10 on difficulty. Probably around 50 hours of gameplay.


This is more of a puzzle game than I was expecting. In the open world, it is rare to come across a chest without at least one puzzle to solve. Often times there are puzzles within puzzles. The designers did a very good job of keeping them somewhat fresh. Then there are the Vaults of Tartarus, which are similar to the mini-dungeons in Breath of the Wild. These can either be a breeze or very frustrating and challenging. I had to look up a number of these for the solutions. As advice, if you're having trouble with one, just move on. There are more than enough required for Hermes' Heroic Tasks. I did most of them and honestly, I was a bit burnt out at certain points. 


Any time you're at a high spot, hold down R3 and scan the map. It takes a while but is worth it. Even doing this, in endgame you'll likely have to look at a map for a few collectibles you missed.


Get Phosphor the bird as early as possible. It is the Bolt from the Blue quest. You'll receive the ability to make a clone of yourself, which is incredibly helpful in speeding up pressure plate puzzles. There is also a skin called Phosphor Automated which allows you to make a heavy clone of yourself which is also great, but you have to get to Kings Peak, which is end game, before you can get it.


Ares's Wrath is a really helpful Godly Power. It gives you a double or triple jump, depending on your stamina. There is a lot of platforming and this is incredibly useful if you're just short of your destination.


You need a ton of upgrade materials, so go after every chest. Guarded chests are the easiest because you simply have to beat a few enemies. The only material I had to farm end game was Amber. There is an empty arena on Clashing Rocks that is surrounded by dead trees. This was the best location I found for farming.


The combo trophies seemed daunting as I never got high combos during normal gameplay, but there is an armor that gives you a certain % chance (depending on how high your armor rating is) to triple your combo. I was easily able to hit a 200+ combo on a regular basis. One of the gods gives you the ability to also negate the first hit you take in a combo. Just keep this trophy until the end game.


The one missable trophy is easy, just keep a few arena Vaults open. They all have a chest on the left side and as long as you don't grab that, you can reenter the arena. Getting the ground-based enemies to run across the spiked floor is the easiest way to get this one.


I found the puzzles to be a bit frustrating early game but once you know what to look for (broken walls for example) and the mindset of the designers, it becomes a pretty smooth experience. This is a podcast or watch/listen to something while you play type of game. Outside of some platforming and timing-based puzzles, it's a breeze.



Edited by cobaltTangerine
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