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Someone needs to do something about the cheaters in this game.

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I got this game at launch on PS4, it was one of the funniest MP games I ever played and it stayed like that for the first 2 years. Then I noticed something. The game started filling up with xim/Cronus cheaters. I only play this game maybe a few days now every season release because at this point currently, the game is RAMPANT with cheaters. I notice it getting worse every season. It is an absolute shit-fest and no exaggeration. I am saying it as it is, the game is FULL of cheaters. Every game almost now you will match against these clowns. They have NO RECOIL, they have AIM ASSIST in a game that shouldn't have aim assist. Like so good, getting instant headshots and emptying a whole clip without a wobble. It's blatant. And then these toxic people are spinning around in circles with crazy sensitivity and a aim toggling like crazy which is pretty much impossible for controller. They just gotta rub it in that they are cheating. Like screw this game, it's gone to the dogs now. Why are so many people doing it for this game particular? And why is Ubisoft just letting it happen? How are there so many people doing it now anyway? Like, it's laughable they have all jumped the bandwagon.

Edited by ElektrickRage
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It's not just this game in particular. There are tons for Cronus users on a bunch of different games now.

Ubisoft has been trying to fix the problem, but honestly it doesn't work. Their best solution now is to just make mouse & keyboard fully supported like CoD has been doing for example. In my opinion, it's the only way to fix the console version of Rainbow 

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