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Challenge 45 Easy way to defeat Yang Second phase


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I just finished the both PS4&PS5 versions of the game with 100% and the last arena challenge 45 really gave me a hard time during yang second phase 

But while I was running from him I discovered something u can call it a giltch 


Ok so when the second phase start

Keep distance from yang and go to the invisible wall the edges of the arena and remember to keep distance from yang if u do so, yang will start doing the flying wall kick u can call it like that and it's easy to dodge 

Dodge it and spam 3 heavy attacks then keep ur distance again repeat that and you'll kill him easley.

I hope this will help any one and if u still have some problem watch this video for more info


It's my video for the entire arena and don't mine my bad gameplay and my bad English 


I recommend trying this method if u have problem with this arean

And I tried it in both versions PS4 & ps5


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4 hours ago, Steven-Spiegel said:

I wish this tip comes earlier haha, I struggled a lot beating the second phase of Yang in arena 45, in the end I save the staff for the second phase and mixing dodges and parrys I finally beat him at age 70... For the following DLC I'm gonna use this for any Yang battle if possible.

I hope it will help you in the following DLC,

I also struggled a lot with yang second phase and while I was running from him 😅😅 I found this glitch, Let's just hope that the following DLC doesn't have some really hard trophies.

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