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Trophies and the game in general

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Currently, august 24th, 2023, the platinum has zero achievers because of the "get all health upgrades" and "get all shield upgrades" trophies. I don't have them yet but I'm guessing you need every single health and shield collectible in the game which is a real pain because there are so many that are missable. You may be exploring the stage and unwittingly trigger a cutscene or event that locks you out of that portion of the stage. You CAN reload your last save, though, and hopefully have better luck. 

The other trophies are all story except for the costumes and gallery ones. Those are also very missable, but at least the gallery ones can be obtained via chapter select and are tracked. 

It's not a particularly tough trophy list, the collectibles just make it a pain.


The game is also not very good. So many old design decisions, like platforms that you can barely reach, not regaining health if you die, no map and fairly large levels lead to frustration. It's also very annoying that if you fall from too high you have to wait for a couple of seconds to move. You don't take fall damage (thankfully) so it's just a waste of time. Enemies are also super aggressive and shoot like five times in a row immediately. If you don't have an ally with you, you can't even fight back. There is a totally stupid "communication" mechanic that has no rhyme or reason to it. You go up to an NPC and hope to guess which input will make them happy. Very frustrating and a waste of time. 


If you haven't started this yet just avoid it. Or be tempted by the Ultra Rare platinum, it's your life after all. Just don't say I didn't warn you.


EDIT: I have successfully wasted my time replaying the entire game very slowly in order to find all of the health and shield upgrades and still no trophy. So it must be glitched. I tried doing the DLC chapters and finding all health and shield upgrades in that as well (since you can go from 6 to 7 health points and 4 to 5 shield points in the dlc) and still no luck. 

I'm pretty pissed that I wasted so much time on a mediocre game that I never actually had a chance of platinuming. At least now YOU know


EDIT again: there seems to be a missing shield piece in the last DLC chapter. I wasted more time today hoping to figure this crap out and I'm certain that you can't actually get a fifth shield. 


EDIT AGAIN: The platinum now has a 1.5% on PSN but there hasn't been a software update or anything so I'm not sure what happened. I went back in and collected all the health in the DLC just to see if that would make the trophy pop but no luck. I don't know how much more time I'm willing to waste on this poor game.

Edited by yowzagabowza
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Okay so I have quite a bit to say but I have work in less than 6 hours so really need to get to bed so I'll edit this post later;


To get the max health and max shield trophies, you need to play from a fresh file and cannot under any circumstances use chapter select. So Hit "New Game" then Earth(Tutorial) then from there you can only use "Continue" until you have 6 Health Points and 4 Shield Points, you don't need to do anything in the DLC. Again I'll edit this sometime tomorrow (night probably) with more.


Edit: So like the OP I also finished the main game with 6 Health and 4 Shield, on my first playthrough even surprisingly. So why didn't I get both trophies then? Well while backing up my save and reloading, twice my save file corrupted which forced me to continue by using chapter select, which I now know makes those 2 trophies not work even though the game saves your health/shield progress up to the point of the chapter you select so there isn't any reason to assume chapter select would void those trophies... right?


Except "chapter select" in this game is, for whatever reason, actually called "new game" so this made me think that maybe when you select a chapter this way the game internally thinks you only have the amount of health you start the game with, being the 1 HP and 0 Shields. After deleting my save file I got all the other trophies on and finishing a full playthrough collecting all the available upgrades did I finally get those 2 trophies to work, though after having my save file corrupt twice when I tried saving at the beginning of the Styx level after doing the entirety of Aviato (I lost like 2 hours to this...), I made one more backup after restoring Rose in the latter level after I confirmed it didn't corrupt then did the rest of the game from there without closing out/backing up, which caused the game to lag heavily toward the end to the point where at times I was worried it was gonna crash/corrupt at any moment especially in the final level but to my relief it held out.


So here are some tips:


My very first playthrough of this game went very strangely, sometimes certain functions would lock up forcing me to do a hard reset to fix, one of these times actually resulted in the first of my 2 save file corruptions... so if you find the game isn't letting you use commands like communication, attacking enemies, etc. you're not somehow missing anything, the game just bugged out and you'll need to completely close out and reload the application and pray it doesn't corrupt... I have absolutely no idea why these issues only happened on my first playthrough as nothing like this happened on my max upgrade playthrough, this game's just incredibly buggy and weird.


The best way to go about platinuming this would be to simply do the health/shield playthrough(s) first since the rest of the collectibles can be cleaned up with chapter select and the gallery even tells you the level each one is found on, you'll even find quite a few of these close to the upgrades. To anyone playing the first time as long as you're careful/slow and always have your smell/hearing scents active and alternate between them I'm sure you'll find them all like I did my first time through. I would still recommend backing up as much as the game will let you without it corrupting since it's very easy to accidentally hit points of no return before you've fully explored certain areas.


When you close the game out BUT BEFORE backing up your save open the game again to make sure it didn't corrupt, if it did you'll get a message telling you as much before you make it to the title screen. If you successfully get to the title screen without seeing this corrupted save message and have the option to "continue" you're 100% safe to backup your save. If you don't do this you may backup a corrupted save which, if that's your only backup, will force you to restart from the very beginning... Like I said above I corrupted twice trying to save in Styx but checked before backing up which saved me from having to redo everything up to that point all over again since I was able reload my last back up at the beginning of Aviato. The second time of corrupting in the same level made me just say screw it and I did the rest of the game from there, which went... surprisingly well but I went much slower. I feel like the farther in the game you get the higher the chance it corrupts,  just make sure your save isn't corrupted before you backup since, again, chapter select will void both of the trophies even if you finish with the maximum health/shields.


I had pictures that showed the maximum health/shield at the beginning of each level from my first playthrough to compare to make sure I didn't miss any, fortunately I only had to go back one time due to missing one right at the end of Gula that cost me a half hour. I still have these if anyone is interested, they were extremely important to refer to on my playthrough. You literally can't miss a single upgrade in the whole game if you want both on one playthrough.


You don't actually need all the the available costumes/lore for those trophies, you just need 16/20 Costumes and 29/31 Lore, the ones in the DLC (last 2 levels) count toward those amounts if you're struggling to find enough on the main game. The Lore for both DLC can actually be found right at the beginning of their respective levels but the one in the Roboton level might prove a bit hard to find... good job if you do though. The 4 costumes between both levels are also pretty easy to locate.


The rest of the trophies will absolutely happen naturally so don't worry about them. This game really was quite the nightmare to platinum but if you dare challenge it... best of luck! I hope this helped and if you have any more questions or want those beginning of level max upgrade screenshots feel free to reach out to me and I'll help you out as best I can.




Edited by Saxton3234
It's not 2:30 A.M. on a work night now.
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Great job getting this stupid Platinum. 

My save file corrupted at least twice so that must be what my issue was. 

I know that the first time it happened I used chapter select and was relieved I didn't have to start all over, not knowing that it would lock me out of the trophies. 

When I get back around to it, I'll just delete everything and start from scratch, backing up often. 

It really does suck that you can't miss ANYTHING, but if you do happen to miss one, dying and restarting is usually an option, aside from those damn abrupt scene changing points. I've always hated those in games.

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