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What a game..!


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From the start to the end, I enjoyed this so much especially in Veteran difficulty. Sure, it is hard, but it's so immersive despite being a 20 years old game.

You can't f*ck around and rush to the next checkpoint. You have to (double) think first, then move. This is what a proper Call of Duty should be. To anyone wondering if you should try it, the answer is yes, absolutely. The game mechanics are different to what we are used to now, it's also a bit difficult, but it definitely worth it. And frankly, it's not as difficult as it looks like, I would say 6/10 or 6.5/10. You have to do 3 playthrough in total to get the plat. Trust me, you will know the enemies location at the second one and it will be a piece of cake to finish the game in veteran.

I personally struggled during the dam mission and got frustrated with the mission on the ship. In both cases it was mostly due to me being impatient, and in this game, patience is the key.


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