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Tips for finding the Vessel without the Escape Pod and Avoiding the 3 Angler Fish


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Hey all,


Some tips and facts I found from different sources as there are multiple ways too navigate and not a lot of concrete information.


- This might be obvious, but it wasn't neccesarily for me. You always want your moves to be slow and deliberate.

- To Start with, always come to a complete stop and line up your shot. You are always going to want to be oriented before you enter each area. This starts when you first enter the Dark Bramble. The Speed Match function is your best friend. When lined up, boost at slow but brisk speed forward.

- When in the first area, always go towards the red light. Like previously stated, orient yourself to the opening, be at a complete stop, and push yourself through at a slow but brisk pace. This is especially important when entering the red Bramble entrance, because this is the most dangerous at it leads to the 3 angler fish at the entrance.

- To get around the 3 fish, push yourself right through the middle of the red Bramble entrance. Once pushed through, DO NOT OVERTHINK. It will always feel like you might hit the fish. Just let it carry you forward. Don't move up, down, left or right. It should almost always just let you float through the pack.

- Once through the pack, move towards the red glow. You will reach the eggs or nest of the angler fish. 

- From the eggs, there should be a visible branch longway, not just pointed outward. This should be on the lower right. From here, you can start shooting your tracker to find and confirm you have found the right Bramble opening to the vessel.

- Additonal note: When entering the area with the 3 angler fish. The dots change every time, the 3 white dots will form a triangle, the vessel will be in the middle of the longest side of the triangle


After that, you have found the vessel and can continue forward. Thanks!

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