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'Perfect' Trophy Stats + Tony

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Just some stats since it kind of sucks how random this trophy is.


After beating all characters & specifically going for this trophy I got it on the 222nd match run consecutively without restarting.


Total Matches I Tried - 271

All-ins by Opponents - 32

On the specific run - 26

Blackjacks Made - 7

Specific run BJ's - 3


222 matches - 26 All-ins - 3 Blackjacks


I did 100 matches on the 4th player & 122 on the 5th player since it's possible to accidently win if you get a 21 while trying to bust & the opponent loses an All-in.


(1) time I hit BJ & the opponent went All-in but won the hand. This was in an earlier 50 run-attempt. So, I'm sure some people may luck out earlier than 270+ matches.


I will add my Tony stats once I obtain that one. So far, I'm probably over 200 attempts with the closest being the 8th hand twice. That f'n Insurance bet on the 8th hand got me & 19/20 loss.


I finally got through all 10 hands against the Dealer vs Tony. 380 matches. Just to not get the trophy. I'm guessing there must have been a hand where I pushed and either Tony won his hand or pushed as well. There was also the Insurance Bet like always that comes and messes things up. I bought Insurance and pushed and I thought Tony lost. So I'm not certain what exactly went wrong.


Now I have to play through all the players again back to Tony to start the process all over again.


After watching 2 youtube videos, that complete the 10 hands, both matches have a push to the dealer while Tony wins the hand. Neither video, actually shows the trophy popping. So I'm still at a loss as to why it didn't pop for me. Unless those videos were made after the trophy was earned which wouldn't make sense based on how long it would take to recreate a 10-hand win. (Video creator Neremania confirmed the trophy popped & the video was cut short.)


What a fn disgusting joke of a trophy.





Edited by NeW_CLeaR_HoRRoR
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I have platinum in both versions, EU and NA. This is my video, it doesn't show the trophy popping since it was recorded off the PS4, rather then a capture card but this was the match I got it from. 



I did the NA version in 2022. It took 11 hours for me to beat the dealer in 10 straight hands. In that time, I made it to the final hand just twice. The first time I made it, I was dealt 10/10, while the dealer had an Ace, I decided to not buy the insurance and lost. The video I posted was my 2nd time. Surprisingly the EU version (which I did in 2023) took me around 45 minutes to beat Tony.


The only scenarios I can think of why it didn't pop would be, you won/pushed the dealer in 10 straight hands but Tony had more chips then you after the last hand (which happened to at least 1 user) or you didn't notice losing a hand. The last is entirely possible, since I second guessed myself multiple times in that 11 hours. There was one time I was so convinced that I lost a hand, that I saved the recorded footage and watched it before continuing the 8th or 9th hand I was on and it turned out that I did lose near the beginning of the game.


If you have any questions let me know.

Edited by Ryan Industries
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6 hours ago, Ryan Industries said:


The only scenarios I can think of why it didn't pop would be, you won/pushed the dealer in 10 straight hands but Tony had more chips then you after the last hand (which happened to at least 1 user) or you didn't notice losing a hand. The last is entirely possible, since I second guessed myself multiple times in that 11 hours. There was one time I was so convinced that I lost a hand, that I saved the recorded footage and watched it before continuing the 8th or 9th hand I was on and it turned out that I did lose near the beginning of the game.



I pushed All-In every hand but that is an interesting theory. If possibly, I did slip up & didn't notice that I didn't go All-In on a hand because after a split I think the bet value changes. Then I would have had to not notice that I lost a low bet. Next hand I would have been All-In and won the rest out. I suppose that's a viable theory. 


Definitely did not have less chips than Tony & definitely did not push 10 hands.


I made it to the 9th hand last night & it was one of those stupid tough decision ones where I was 4 cards into a 16-hand with the dealer showing a 7. So I chose Stand & of course lost to 17. In your video, you have that scenario of 16 vs 7 & dealer busts in your case.


I'm well over 800 matches now. I haven't been keeping track of actual time played though.


In your video, you have (2) 12 hands - which you hit and obviously win both. 12 is a 95% bust for me on the next card. I even split 9's, both hands went 3 - 10 lol... to bust at 22.


Ugh, what torture... anyway, thanks for your response.

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11 hours ago, Ryan Industries said:

I know your pain, everything just clicked for me in that moment. Good luck to you.


It's finally over. I'm going to post some stats later on for people who come here in the future.


I should have timed it to compare to your 11 hours but I'm a box score kind of guy so I went the counting method. 


Some basic stats:


Total matches specifically trying: 1044


Total matches on final run without shutting off the ps4 so as to not have to play back to Tony: 664


I also recorded for the 1st time ever on the PS4 & trimmed my match poorly. It's a fun run to watch especially the sickness I felt on Round 10.




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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys. I have a question. Does insurance hands invalidade the trophy?


After days trying this shitty trophy. I finally managed to win against the boss, got 3 draws (first, in the middle and last round), I used an insurance on round 8 and fortunately the boss had a 21, so I didn't lose my money. I bet all-in since the beginning, and finished with 80k.

But no trophy at all :/I playing the version 1.01. 

I would like to ask which version did you get this trophy.

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11 hours ago, tranquilu said:

Hey guys. I have a question. Does insurance hands invalidade the trophy?


After days trying this shitty trophy. I finally managed to win against the boss, got 3 draws (first, in the middle and last round), I used an insurance on round 8 and fortunately the boss had a 21, so I didn't lose my money.

I would like to ask which version did you get this trophy.


In my original post I see this:


'I finally got through all 10 hands against the Dealer vs Tony. 380 matches. Just to not get the trophy. I'm guessing there must have been a hand where I pushed and either Tony won his hand or pushed as well. There was also the Insurance Bet like always that comes and messes things up. I bought Insurance and pushed and I thought Tony lost. So I'm not certain what exactly went wrong.'


Looks like I had the same problem.


So ... I'm guessing the Insurance Bet screws it up. I initially thought that I had to beat Tony's hand but that wasn't the case.

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I finally got it.

I already had lost interest on continuing playing the game. But I was playing another game that sucked, so I decided to take a break and return to this one. In an hour I luckily got the trophy. :,D

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3 hours ago, tranquilu said:

I finally got it.

I already had lost interest on continuing playing the game. But I was playing another game that sucked, so I decided to take a break and return to this one. In an hour I luckily got the trophy. :,D


If that first hand was going to be any indication of how the rest was going to go! lol... Hand 8 was a close one but mostly smooth on that run.

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