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2024 Best XP and 1 million Souls farm methods

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These are the best, up to date methods to get these trophies (that I know of). They are done in Survival mode.


1 million souls


You may have heard of the method of buying soul potions for 700 souls, getting 500 a potion, then buying them again. The following method is much quicker.



I did this, and it works beautifully. I only had to farm 999 wood 4 times. However, I will mention that now, there are 5 items you can build that cost 1 wood to make, not 3. So it should be even quicker as you can get more souls at once by selling 5 items rather than 3.

To make it clearer, you farm wood, build those items and turn them into souls with Sindri's forge, buy wood with souls at the merchant's, repeat with diminishing returns until you can no longer do it, and then, farm wood again and repeat.


If you want to skip the work of getting enough resources and weapons to be able to defeat Fenrir, to be able to make Sindri's forge and so on, you can try joining an old lobby, and hope it has the full map explored, resources, etc. But most importantly, you are looking for what Fenrir drops. Check the camp's chests. Or maybe Sindri's forge is already built! You should also join a lobby like this for the surviving 100 days trophy.


However, you cannot manually search for a specific world/seed. You must join a public lobby when someone else is currently playing. Then, it will remain accessible for you. 


This is another method that I didn't try but also looks good.



Season XP farm


XP is given randomly by harvesting and mining, chopping down trees, defeating enemies, and guaranteed by opening chests, defeating special enemies, Jotun bosses and world bosses. Season XP is reset after a season ends, but I don't see any dates for this season's end. It looks like support has ended and this is the final, permanent season.


If you have the full world map explored (possibly by finding an old public lobby), you can farm alone by going to camps (specially big camps), forward outposts, lighthouses, and ruins, and opening the chests. Enemies will drop XP too. Do that back and forth by using, and if needed, placing, fast travel portals. If you are starting from scratch, you will take longer, as you need to build everything and uncover the map and all the locations. These locations have a timer after doing them, before you can complete them again. But the world is big. Before you do a full round, the first locations will be available again. 


I recommend going for the ruins first, as they have no enemies to defeat. Just get your 1000XP chest. In order to access most ruins, you need something that works as a ramp or ladder, since they are elevated and there is no way to access them normally. Use the wood roofs (thatch roof cross). Place a couple, and go up.


I farmed for some hours like this and got 10 levels. 3 more times and I'll be done. 


There are some really good skill points to prioritize, such as being able to revive yourself, and opening chests faster. Outside of that, you should upgrade the typical weapons and elemental skills, total health, magic, etc. I recommend making Baldr's full armor (easier if you find a world with the resources already). That armor has passive HP regen, so you won't struggle as much, or at all, while clearing the camps. You need to use golden horns for this, but what are you saving them for? Use them! 


Noticed how I didn't mention the bosses? In the world I found, they were all level 10, so they had a lot of HP and one shotted me. For alone play, you are better off avoiding them. On the other hand, you may be able to defeat level 10 bosses with multiple people, with upgrades, good weapons and armor. This gets me to the next point.


It will probably be faster to farm bosses over and over, and going for the chests while the timer recharges for the respawn. The downside is that, for the bosses to be level 1, so you can farm them more easily for a good while, you'd need to create a new world, preferably with some friends, and build everything from scratch, uncover all the map, find the locations, and place the portals. This can take some days, but this way you may end up saving a few hours of grinding. Whether that's worth it is up to you.


If you are playing with friends, and make a private world, this is a good option. The other one is good for solo play. You can combine both! :)

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