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The Easiest Character Trials to Clear (MY OPINION)

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Hello! I decided to make a short post to help people going for this platinum and are trying to clear the character trials. First of all, this is based on my personal opinion and experience, i've seen people online claim certain characters to be much harder than others but I had some different experiences. I consider myself to be slightly above average when it comes to fighting games, and this is my first KoF game since the ps2 days so,,, 



To start off, you need 50 titles, you should get all but 28 titles after clearing the online trophies, I did not go for the titles that you get from reaching the max rank online because it would take ages and its honestly not worth it. 


There are two titles you can get by beating the two boss characters, to easily beat them, pick a team with characters that have strong anti airs, such as Omega Rugal, and just pause buffer the boss to cheese them, first see their moves and know their animations then keep pause buffering, and when you see they are about to perform a normal move like a punch, use your anti air to punish them, you can also do the same thing when trying to use your lvl 2 or lvl 3 supers. Yeah its very cheap and cheesy but it gets the job done. 


A tip about the trials,  if you are not a veteran at fighters, they will look intimidating, but trust me, these are very good trials, this game taught me a lot and helped improve my execution. The game heavily relies on cancelling moves, when it comes to cancelling moves, the trick is to do it really fast and to use shortcuts. What I mean by shortcut is, for example if you have to do the following inputs: 

Down, Bottom Left, Left Punch 

Down, Bottom Left, Left Bottom Left, Down, Bottom Right, Right Punch 

You can simply do Down, Bottom Left, Left Punch Down, Bottom Right, Right Punch. This will do the first input and then cancel the animation straight into the next move. These cancels are key in KoF 15 and are present in almost every challenge, so learning such shortcuts will be necessary. 



Now, onto the trials, firstly ill start with the easiest ones in a NON RANKED order, which are: 

- Kukri

- Omega Rugal

-Geese Howard (DLC, but available with the deluxe edition)

-Gato (DLC, but available with the deluxe edition)

-Rock Howard (DLC, but available with the deluxe edition)

-Terry Bogard

-Andy Bogard


-King of Dinosaurs





Then the medium ones: 




-Mai Shiranui




Then the harder ones, these are NOT the hardest trials in the game, just from the ones that I finished, they are mostly the ones where I had 1-2 challenges that had me stumped for a while:



-Clark Still

Ralf Jones







And as a small bonus, here are ones I would recommend not doing: 

- Ryo sakazaki, he has ones really difficult challenge where you must cancel a DP into a super and the input is extremely awkward and takes place in the middle of a lengthy combo, just not worth it imo.

-Robert Garcia, really cool character actually, but he has some silly DP cancels same as Ryo. Maybe I just need to improve my DP cancels? hehe.


Anddd yeah!! I hope someone can find this post helpful! There are some characters I have not tried, there are also some DLC characters that I do not own which I saw people online saying have very easy trials. Best of luck and hopefully this platinum drops to an Ultra Rare because it is wayyy more deserving of that status than something like MvC Infinite lol 


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