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Dementium The Ward Mini Guide (Spoilers)

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This mini guide was made to give people some advice more or less like how the White Day mini guide I made years ago was like. There is spoilers for the games puzzles here as it will just flat out give the solutions. You have been warned.




Dementium the ward has not really changed the puzzles they placed from the ds to switch and even ps4/5 port now as they have pretty much stayed the same but I will explain one or two of the puzzles in better detail while the others I won't. Reason being that the game gives hints good enough for you to figure it out mostly. They will be placed in the order of how you can find them in the game as the only one that can be gotten early or later is what I placed at number 4 here.







1) The first door with a keypad when you just pick up the flashlight code to it is: 081399



2) Piano code in kids playroom is: DEAD  

The hint to the puzzle is on the note outside of the door to the playroom on what the letters on the piano keys are.



3) Code to the shotgun locker is: 012




4) Code to guard tower just after you leave the elevator is: 103107

The code is on pieces of a family photo can be done later but can be done earlier you get a sniper for your trouble early on for use.



5) Shopping list door code is: 321123

The door has a note that hints of another note in another room that makes you count things for the code listed in a good order.



6) The code to the box that has the door handle is: FATE

The hint on the code is on both the page that is next to the box that has the door handle  inside of it and the door that has no handle itself.


Edited by Lonemankane
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