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Miscellaneous Hints


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These are a few things I kinda wish I didn't have to find out the hard way, so I'm putting them here for anyone that may find them helpfull in speeding up these extremely repetitive tasks.



  • If aiming for the Platinum, you'll be making one of each character to do so. Be sure to burn through story mode for all three as quickly as possible, because having three end game characters is by far more benificial than waiting to level up your last two.
  • DO NOT farm random enemies for loot drops. This will very rarlely result in a Legendary or better drop. It's simply not worth the grind when Exotics and Legendarys can be obtained much easier through other means.
  • Strikes and the Crucible are rather decent methods for obtaining Legendary or better gear from the completion of either, but with a rather rare chance. (I've gotten 4th horseman from PvP, and Hawkmoon from a nightfall strike). The reputation earned could help you fill in any left over slots that are missing a Legendary or better weapon/armor, but building up Marks and Reputation takes quite sometime.
  • Each Fraction level up starting at 3 will result in a "new message" from the In-game mail NPC. These will grant you several items with high chances of being legendary engrams.
  • Collect "Strange Coins" and "Motes of Light" and give them all to your main character. An NPC named Xur stops by on the weekends and sells Exotic gear for Coins, and Exotic engrams for Motes of Light. (Strange Coins are best farmed from weekly strikes. You can gather up to 27 a week from them using 3 level 29+ characters)
  • If possible, Always complete the Weekly Nightfall Strike. Doing so will grant you a buff (untill the weekly reset) which increases EXP and Reputation gains.


  • Be sure to complete as many as possible for each of your classes. The experience and reputation are extremely benificial for progress (trophies and gameplay). Also can help you level your other sub classes, if you're interested in them.
  • These are also great for power leveling weapons, by turning them in while having them equiped, and then passing them over to another character to do their bounties with as well. Legendary and Exotics require insane amounts of EXP, but can be maxed out in a day or two with this method.
  • Certain bounties can be overly time consuming, or out right frustrating. For a few of those, I've found some pretty great places for them.
  • Kill 10 Fallen Majors: Venus - The Archive on any Heroic - One completion here will net you most, if not all required kills (all are required kills too, so you won't miss any).
  • Kill 10 Hive Majors: Earth - Patrol - Starting out, there is a little metal shack nearby. Going down the steps, then into the other room, you will find 3 high level Hive Majors. To respawn them, simply run back to the stairs, wait a few seconds, then run back to their spawn point.
  • Kill 10 Cabal Majors: Mars - Patrol - Starting out, hug the cliff on your left while following it down. Go through the area transition (a narrow and linear path connecting two areas) and you will see a large blue building on your right. Enter this bulding (entrance is straight in front, after turning around the building) and follow its path till you get to the top with a Major Centurion. After the kill, jump out the hole in the wall, and repeat. Each full cycle through this building will net you at least 1, with a high chance of finding 1 or 2 more.
  • Kill 10 Vex Majors: Venus - Patrol - Starting out, take the left path, and then hug the right wall upon entering the Ember Caves. Hugging this wall will lead you to another path, taking you to The Citadel. There's a large stone structure slightly off to your left, with 2 major Minitours on top of it. Also, there's usually one additional one down to the right of this structure, in a small room.
  • Collect 200 Shards - Same locations as the Majors, since they give 20 per kill instead of the usual 1. For the Moon, Load up "The Sword of Crota" on any Heroic. Follow the story until you reach an area with a cliff on your left (after entering a large structure leading underground). Here you will encounter 4 Hive Majors. After killing them, return to orbit and load back up the mission. This will put you back in the same spot, but with the Majors respawned.
  • Three Public Events - Use the Public Events site to better track upcoming events. I find Earth to be the easier one to farm these on.

Patrol Missions:

  • Patrol Missions are pretty straight forward, but also extremely boring. There is a slight way to speed these up, by the order of the missions you do that are availible to you in your current area. Each Patrol Mission has a uniqe symbol that corresponds to what type it is, and being able to identify these symbols better, can shave minutes off of completing them. Each area typically has 3 missions, and the best way to approach these, is by going off the list below. NOTE: My names for these very likely differ from the actual names of the mission types, and seeing as to how I can't think of a better way to describe them, I'm going by what I call them.
  1. Kill All: A slanted square, with smaller ones at its points - These are the best ones to grab. Simply kill ANYTHING to make progress on these.
  2. Pick up: A sort of triangle shape - Requires you to kill specific types of enemies that have a chance to drop the required items.
  3. VIP: A small star within a circle - These are the most rewarding ones, by granting 25 reputation VS 10. These, and all the ones further down the list, require you to travel outside of your current area though.
  4. Scan This: A picture of what looks like your ghost - Simply requires you to scan a certian area.
  5. Observation: Looks like a slanted pokeball... or vehicle stearing wheel - Requires you to stand at a certian spot for several seconds.
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