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Can't say I've ever had this problem, the only reason I've bought preowned is to get the 60gb fatty with PS2 compatibility. That being said, I've bought 3 of them.


One was from EB Games, which is the Australian branch of your GameStop, the one from them actually didn't have a screw in it at all.


After seeing your avatar, I must say, I guess you're just in a zone of danger.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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No shit. I'd say they should clearly tell you if it's stripped, but then I'd say that I returned one of the fatties the other week and by genuine mistake forgot to put the hard drive back in there, it's a long story, but I ended up getting the unit back, and they didn't even notice the hard drive was missing.


The people I see employed by most game stores here piss me off, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, and the closest I've ever come to seeing one with an average game-related IQ, was some girl who's like "ooooh I love Call of Duty xD" ... Man, this one time I went into an EB and was like "Hey, I saw on your website you guys are throwing out MoGa Android controllers for 20 bucks, can I grab one?" and after about five minutes of the dickhead trying to convince me I wanted a PS3 controller and not a mobile one, which they apparently didn't sell, he turned around and behind him was two of the damn phone controllers, to which he offered the most dignified apology he could muster "Oh, that thing" ... in short, I'm sorry that you got screwed, but it's no surprise, when you're dealing with idiots like these.

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No shit. I'd say they should clearly tell you if it's stripped, but then I'd say that I returned one of the fatties the other week and by genuine mistake forgot to put the hard drive back in there, it's a long story, but I ended up getting the unit back, and they didn't even notice the hard drive was missing.


The people I see employed by most game stores here piss me off, they haven't the slightest clue about anything, and the closest I've ever come to seeing one with an average game-related IQ, was some girl who's like "ooooh I love Call of Duty xD" ... Man, this one time I went into an EB and was like "Hey, I saw on your website you guys are throwing out MoGa Android controllers for 20 bucks, can I grab one?" and after about five minutes of the dickhead trying to convince me I wanted a PS3 controller and not a mobile one, which they apparently didn't sell, he turned around and behind him was two of the damn phone controllers, to which he offered the most dignified apology he could muster "Oh, that thing" ... in short, I'm sorry that you got screwed, but it's no surprise, when you're dealing with idiots like these.

Well to be fair (as I worked at EB in the past) we often don't know what is on our websites as Head Office doesn't tell us until a couple of days later (if the sale starts Friday we might hear about it Saturday or Monday). Add that to the fact that there are dozens of different controllers in the store that you never touch as no one asks for them. We had at least 10 different keyboards/mice on our top Wall that we would never even see as they literally sat there for months with no one wanting one. Then that random guy comes in asking for a particular keyboard gets mad at you because you aren't 100% knowledgeable on the  1 item he has been researching for weeks.

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