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anybody else get a ip address blocked tempory?


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gettin a ip address blocked temporary due to to many updates? since when?

i guess since all the "captcha" annoyance, basically. 

but you can't really blame PSNP for some crazy people, updating profiles with thousands of bots the whole day. so it's just self defense, so to speak.

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My understanding is you've tried to update yourself too many times on that IP address. I did it once, before I became a premium member, I updated myself A LOT though. The IP address block isn't on your user (I think) so you should be able to update on a school, work, or friend's internet. It should go away within the week too.


Unless you're adding a bunch of trophies, it's recommended that you just go directly to your profile to avoid causing the site to update so many things so often.

Edited by Super-Fly Spider-Guy
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