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You friends who have trophy lists that irritate you


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Errors in topic titles irritate me waaaaaaaaaay more :P


I know someone who's played 450 games, and only completed 80. Also has a 38% completion rate. HOW DO YOU NOT FINISH HUNDREDS OF GAMES YOU'VE PLAYED!


For those of you "in the know", its a certain person who's notorious for playing telltale games. ;)

*quickly checks trophy card* oh phew its not me. I agree though it does seem odd when completion % gets really low, as it then starts seeming like people put ingames and get bored with them immediately, which makes you wonder if gaming is really they're thing or if they just really love collecting PS3 games.


Guys... these are trophies, they have absolutely no meaning or value whatsoever. If your going to judge one of your friends because of how they play their games, you're incredibly pathetic. 

I know you clarified this later, but the way you wrote this immediately made me think, surely peoples interest in trophies is equally insignificant, yet got a reaction out of you.


Far more annoying than any friend's trophy list are the internet buffoons who say things like, "If you care about other people's trophies, you're pathetic!"

As if everyone here is 100% super serious or something...

I completely agree with this. People who only care about trophies seem to troll less than the ones who are really anti trophies. Although as seen in many of the discussion threads there's definitely a large number of people who only play for trophies and the comments some of those people come out with are equally ridiculous.


I don't get irritated by other people's trophy list. It's a little annoying if the only play the super mainstream games (COD, FIFA and so on), but it doesn't really bother me that much. I play all kinds of games, and most of my friends do too. I rarely platinum "difficult" games, so I can say that the one trophy list that irritates me, is my own.

If you mean you get slightly irritated, by the flood of mainstream games which are objectively worse than some more innovative and all round better games. I mean its like they've seen gaming and only scratched the surface and not found the really good parts. I totally get what you mean, slightly irritating when good games get no sales and end up never getting a sequel.

Edited by Superbuu3
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