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Hello everyone. I game under the moniker BlueDragonRR but you can call me Blue. I'm 25 and been gaming most of my life. First game I can remember playing from start to finish would be Quake back in '96. I was probably too young to be playing that game at the time but the damage has already been done. I am forever scarred...


PS4 is the first Sony console I've ever owned and I'm enjoying myself. Had the first two Xbox consoles but decided I needed a change of scenery. Achievement hunted on the 360 and I'm continuing my hobby on the PS4. I joined this site months ago but never really looked much into it. Now that I'm procrastinating my studying, I figure it would be the best time to do so. Look forward to chatting with you all and trophy hunting together.

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Thanks for the welcome! I'm sure I'll be bumping into you all at some point in time.


And I love that avatar by the way! Don't really know why though...  xD


I've been searching for a pretty simplistic yet intriguing dragon emblem for quite some time. My drawing skills have deteriorated over the years so I was left scouring the Internet for one. Then I found it. Technically, I saw a logo for some product on iTunes and the rest is history.  B)

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Hello everyone. I game under the moniker BlueDragonRR but you can call me Blue. I'm 25 and been gaming most of my life. First game I can remember playing from start to finish would be Quake back in '96. I was probably too young to be playing that game at the time but the damage has already been done. I am forever scarred...


PS4 is the first Sony console I've ever owned and I'm enjoying myself. Had the first two Xbox consoles but decided I needed a change of scenery. Achievement hunted on the 360 and I'm continuing my hobby on the PS4. I joined this site months ago but never really looked much into it. Now that I'm procrastinating my studying, I figure it would be the best time to do so. Look forward to chatting with you all and trophy hunting together.

Welcome to the forums


Do you do much multiplayer gaming?

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Do you do much multiplayer gaming?


I do like multiplayer gaming. I find trophy hunting with other people satisfying even if I already have the trophy. I haven't been able to do that much of it lately because of my schedule. Still have ESO and GTAV that I need to revisit at some point. Then there are the list of games I plan to buy that are already out. Trying to thin out the games I currently have before diving into more.

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I do like multiplayer gaming. I find trophy hunting with other people satisfying even if I already have the trophy. I haven't been able to do that much of it lately because of my schedule. Still have ESO and GTAV that I need to revisit at some point. Then there are the list of games I plan to buy that are already out. Trying to thin out the games I currently have before diving into more.

I'll likely grab GTA V at some point personally I find it hard to jump into multiplayer gaming unless my friends are already playing something, its never quite the same having to rely on people you don't know so well.

Edited by Superbuu3
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I'll likely grab GTA V at some point personally I find it hard to jump into multiplayer gaming unless my friends are already playing something, its never quite the same having to rely on people you don't know so well.

I know what you mean. My worse multiplayer experience was when I was doing zombies on the first Black Ops. I never knew simple team coordination could be such a burden on people until I played that game.



It's nice to meet you, Blue. You're going to meet some really awesome people around here, and I hope you have a good time here. Also, hope that we can do some co-op sometime. 

From what I've seen so far, everyone seems great. As far as co-op goes, I'm always down.

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