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Hey guys :)


I have been a member of the site for quite a while now but never been very active besides checking my trophies and profile :).


Just a little bit about myself....

My name is Leigh, I am 27 and from Manchester in the UK. I have always been a big gamer and have owned multiple consoles from SNES to N64 to all the playstations, etc. I love all types of RPG's, I occasionally play FPS's but they don't usually hold my attention for long, I am interested in overwatch as I was a big TF2 player back in the day so I really want that. 

I currently own a PS4 and play it when I can, I play a lot of FIFA and have just started to play the Division which I am really enjoying.


I love collecting trophies and can be a bit of a trophy whore when I get time :P.


Anyway, sorry for blabbing :).


Hope to make some new friends and meet some cool people :).


Oh my PSN ID is - La_Kennedy

Feel free to add me :)





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