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Just Got the Platinum - My Thoughts


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It took me a while to finish the game due to glitchy trophies, The Rancher one would not pop after several playthroughs even in other languages ( I had to play in English, German and French) before the last trophy would pop for the platinum. I tried other methods to get the rancher trophy to pop but none did the trick; changing the language to something other than English and buying the sheep, letting them get out of the barn and putting them back in, tearing down the barn and re-building it.... all didn't work. What did work was playing on the French language the whole game and backing up my save before buying the sheep and letting the initial one that comes with the barn to escape and buying the sheep ONE AT A TIME. Don't buy 4 or 5 in one go. This game has a thing for doing it by singular amounts. The same advice can be said when making potions or food items for these respective trophies. MAKE THEM ONE AT A TIME.

To repeat. If you want to make 100% sure that you get the Alchemist, Rancher and Master Chef trophies, make the items or purchase the sheep one at a time. I'm not sure if the trophy will pop if you do them in bulk, but to be sure, singular is the way to go!

The best thing to do is while you're completing the beginning quests is to drain your energy stockpiling rocks so you can sell them to the pirate for 2g each. Doing so will also add to your crystal, metal, silver and gold amounts as well making it really easy to make fast cash later in the game. Stockpiling wood by planting trees and berry bushes at the very beginning is advisable, I always had a hard time keeping my hunger bar from dipping into the red a lot of the time before I could start baking better items, so the blueberry bushes will be your best friend.

What I would do is plant several trees in a tight section of the map away from anything I didn't want to get damaged or burned and when a meteorite came crashing down, I would guide it towards the area with the packed trees so I didn't have to cut them down myself and then go over collect the wood and repeat. Got about 10 or so pieces of wood this way.

Sometimes you will have a visitor come to your planet and they have to land by pressing triangle... well I didn't know till it happened to me was that there are some occasions where at the end of one visitors' timer there might be enough time for a 2nd visitor to also land. Doing so will open some story dialog and even questlines between the two. 

And lastly, there will come a time when a visitor drops down on your planet and you might see a blue creature icon. I would suggest going close to the ship and making sure you run into it. It will steal some of your stuff you have if it makes it back to the ship. It's not a lot that's taken, but it's quite annoying because going into the middle of the game almost, that blue creature shows up on almost every ship that lands.

Overall, it's an easy platinum; a little time consuming due to the chain of tasks, but it's sorta forgettable. 7/10 because of the glitchy trophies not wanting to pop when they should and a 2/10 difficulty 

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