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Warcraft 3 Reforged Trophy List idea


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58 trophies (1 :platinum:, 2 :gold:, 3 :silver:, 52 :bronze:, 45 :hidden:; worth 1,230 points).


Warchief of the Horde (Platinum) Unlocked every possible trophy in Warcraft 3: Reforged.

Visionary (Bronze, secret) Completed the tutorial stage and mastered the mechanics of the game.

A Chieftain’s Rescue (Bronze, secret) You rescued Grom Hellscream from the Humans in Lordareon.

Ending the Labor (Bronze, secret) Defended Strahnbrad against Orcs and rescued Human hostages from the Slavemaster.

Victorious (Bronze, secret) Slain the Blademaster in the Blackrock Camp.

Burning the Plague (Bronze, secret) Destroyed all of the plagued granaries in Strahnbrad.

A Cult, Never Lasted (Bronze, secret) Destroyed the Undead base in Andorhal and killed the Undead necromancer Kel’thuzad.

The Greatest Defense (Bronze, secret) Survived Undead onslaught for 30 minutes in Hearthglen.

A City’s Sacrifice (Bronze, secret) Destroyed all plagued houses in Statholme, killed 100 zombies, and stopped Malganis from claiming the city.

Slowly Exacting Revenge (Bronze, secret) Laid a siege in one of Malganis’ bases in Northrend.

Path of an Unglorious Traitor (Bronze, secret) Destroyed all of the human ships that are heading to Lordareon.

The Forbidden Weapon (Bronze, secret) Claimed the powerful Frostmourne and used its powers to defeat Malganis once and for all.

Twilight Falls (Bronze, secret) Completed the Human campaign.

The Undead Liberation (Bronze, secret) Rescued the Acolytes in Lordareon.

Ashes to Ashes… to Ashes (Bronze, secret) Killed the Paladins who stand in your way and killed Uther to retrieve the Urn of King Terenas.

Besieged (Bronze, secret) Laid out a counterattack at the High Elf Base.

A Gate of Moonlight (Bronze, secret) Retrieved the three Moon Crystals and opened the Gates of Silvermoon.

Silvermoon’s Falling (Bronze, secret) Unleashed a siege in Silvermoon and killed all the guardians, including Sylvanas.

Demon Gate (Bronze, secret) Secured the Demon Gate and destroyed the Blackrock Orc encampment.

The Invasion of Dalaran (Bronze, secret) Launched a siege in Dalaran and killed the Archmagi, including Antonidas.

The Summoning (Bronze, secret) You have successfully summoned Archimonde in the now-ruins of Dalaran.

Reckoning of Arthas (Bronze, secret) Completed the Undead campaign.

Road of Desertion (Bronze, secret) Successfully navigated your way into the Barrens and protected Cairne Bloodhoof and his Tauren brethren.

Unwelcoming Kind (Bronze, secret) Protected Cairne’s caravan from further attacks from the Centaurs.

Attrition (Bronze, secret) Defied against all odds and retrieved the Goblin Zeppelins in Stonetalon Mountains.

Invaders of the Forest (Bronze, secret) Harvested 15,000 lumber and eliminated every trace of Night Elves’ resistance in Ashenvale.

The Deity Slayer (Bronze, secret) Slained the Satyrs in the Fountain of Mannoroth and slained the demigod Cenarius with demonic powers.

Apex Predator (Bronze, secret) Destroyed the Human base guarding the Stonetalon Peak.

Brotherhoods Bound in Blood (Bronze, secret) Escpaed the depths of Stonetalon Peak and forged an alliance with the Human Expedition.

Like Demons, Like Angels (Bronze, secret) Cured Grom of the Burning Legion’s influence.

Hellscream’s Sacrifice (Bronze, secret) Completed the Orc campaign.

Invader Slayer (Bronze, secret) Eliminated all of the invaders in Ashenvale.

A Quiet Walk in the Park (Bronze, secret) Escaped the patrolling Doom Guards and met Shandris.

Awakening (Bronze, secret) Slained the Primal Guardians guarding the Horn of Cenarius and awakened Malfurion from his slumber.

Heavens, There Will Be (Bronze, secret) Awakened the Druids of the Talon in the corrupted Moonglade Isle.

Break-In, Break-Out (Bronze, secret) Traversed into the depths of Barrow Deeps, awakened the Druids of the Claw, and freed Illidan Stormrage.

Untold Power (Bronze, secret) Slained the Dreadlord Tichondrius with the power of the Skull of Guldan.

The Defense of Mount Hyjal (Bronze, secret) You and your allies successfully defended the World Tree from the warlock Archimonde.

The Seeds of Eternity (Gold, secret) Completed the game. You have stopped the Burning Legion and Archimonde, once and for all.

No Saving Grace (Bronze) Completed ALL campaigns without using saves on Normal+ difficulty.

A Legend of Azeroth (Silver) Completed ALL campaigns on Hard difficulty.

Valhalla’s Finest (Gold) Completed ALL campaigns on Burning Legion difficulty.

It Takes Time To Get ‘Em All! (Silver) Completed all side quests on each chapter missions.

Every Hero on the Death List (Silver, secret) In Blackrock & Roll, Too, kill all of the five Orc heroes.

Tax Them All, Charge Them More (Bronze) Maintain a High Upkeep within 45 seconds.

The Great Recession (Bronze) Collapsed 15 Gold Mines.

Über Rich! (Bronze) Harvested a total of 500,000 gold.

Lumberjack! (Bronze) Harvested a total of 500,000 lumber.

A Children’s Help (Bronze, secret) Saved Timmy from the vicious Gnolls.

Cannot Trust a Dragon’s Wisdom (Bronze, secret) Defeated Searinox.

Exterminated (Bronze, secret) Quelled the caravan of diseased grain before it heads to Hearthglen.

The Giant Warrior (Bronze, secret) Slained the “Largest Panda Ever” in Barrow Deeps.

Nothing Neutral, Everyone is Evil (Bronze) Killed a total of 6,666 neutral creeps.

Woe to the Vanquished (Bronze) Destroyed a total of 15,000 enemy bases.

Let The Demons Be Fallen (Bronze) Eliminated all of the corrupted Elves’ and Demon structures in Felwood using Illidan only (once the Skull is obtained).

Edited by BadRep24
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