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This is yet another one of those cheap completely run off the mill tower defense games this one company has pushed onto the PSN store for both PS4 and Vita. This one is a sequel, and as such you start the game with a lot of in-game currency and all towers etc you usually unlock from progressing through the levels. This game adds a couple of new elements to the usual formula for these tower defense by this company. One is that in every single level there's invisible enemies, and the only way to hit them is either through magic (not a good idea to rely on) or you have to max upgrade mining towers. Because all levels require you to max out mining towers, we're getting into what I feel is an exploit in these games. Buy upgrades for the mining towers quite a bit, in while playing build them all over the place until other towers are required there, and in this game you must have some several places in the levels. This earns you a lot of coins, really fast, they pay themselves down in a matter of a minute or something, which means you never run out of coins in a match and can always defend with whatever you want. So yeah, this game forces to almost discover this exploit. The real curveball in this game is that different types of enemies can not be damage by just any kind of tower. This means you'll be setting up and tearing down towers, over and over, as the enemies attack. This could have lead to struggle with the AI and how it targets enemies, and it certainly did in some few levels, but it also meant I discovered yet another exploit. A tower keeps shooting at an enemy until it's either out of reach or dead. Adding a tower means it will pick an enemy by the AI they have, which can sometimes be useful in targeting more acute enemies. Sometimes this doesn't help, but while doing this, I discovered that this one slow and hard hitting tower will fire off without "cooldown" (within a half second instead of the usual like 3-5 seconds or something between each fire). I could pause the game, build one of those, un-pause the game and it would often one-hit kill whatever enemy it targeted or do massive damage. Do this with multiple towers at the same time and you'd remove whatever they were targeting quickly and could focus on the few things that was important.


The first few levels were the most difficult, because then you don't have fully upgraded towers, while the later ones were all very easy. Unlike what a certain guide says, in this game it's very important to 3 star all levels on first completion. This nets you 20 in-game currency. 2 star gets you far less, and 3 staring afterwards nets you a total of 12 or 15 or something stars for that one level instead of 20, which is bad when it's so limited and makes such a difference. This game has 60 levels, and so it takes a while. If you replay a level in the episode after beating it, you'll get rewarded a bonus 100 of the in-game currency, which is very useful. They're in limited supply, and you should spend them all at useful things, otherwise you may need to restart entire game or buy micro transactions...


The 5 enemies killed with one hit trophy is a bit annoying until you understand how it's done. The guide I found for this game was total trash and doesn't explain what to do properly. The red tower which shoots out fireballs at lower upgrades and targeted missiles when fully upgraded is required. But in-game only upgrade it twice, the missile doesn't have "splash" damage. See the last video in my playlist for how I did it.


If you wonder what the game is like or need any help, I 100% the game in the below playlist.



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