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Mac Scripts to automate "Mark of the Best" and coin farming


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Although the post-game grind for these trophies isn't as bad as other games, I mocked up some mac scripts (originally from @Midgar777's Dreams script so big shoutout to them) to be used in tandem with Remote Play to save your sanity from doing the same level over and over again.

Mark of the Best


As other guides have pointed out, the best level to get the most kills in the shortest amount of time is Slayaway Camp 2: Deleted Scene 3: "Kill and Escape." Download my script here and after hitting play on the script (top of the window,) click on Remote Play and walk away! This will run through the level and then mash x on the front and back ends to get back into the level and loop itself. I had to leave ample time on the front and back end of the script for differing loading times and if the script accidentally was successful on the final hit animation which prolonged the time as well so it only averages about 8 kills a minute, however even at this speed it will only take an hour to get well over the kills you need if you have finished the campaign (1 1/2 hours for the full 666 kills.)

Coin grinding for Gorepacks


Simply click on Faces of Killed 3 (R setting in options) or Yo! Skullface! (PG setting in options) and download and run this script and let it play. This is a simple x mashing script and even though it will fail most of the time, this will net you 10 coins per attempt which comes out to about ~150 coins/minute. Leave this going for 1-2 hours and you can easily net enough coins to buy the additional gorepacks needed for the trophies.

Again, to make sure these work and don't get messed up be sure to click on the remote play app after starting the script and not click on or use other applications while it is running.

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