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Game Series: sorting by Trophy Points incorrect at times

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Hey there,


I noticed, that if you sort Game Series by highest number of available Trophy Points, there seems to be "a cap" of 65.535 points, despite some games actually having higher numbers.



e.g. POWGI does have 106.875 as of now


I also would like to see the total trophy breakdown from the Series-site linked above on the individual Series-pages, which currently only have the total number of trophies displayed, if that would be possible. :)

Edited by dalailama1989
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33 minutes ago, dalailama1989 said:

Hey there,


I noticed, that if you sort Game Series by highest number of available Trophy Points, there seems to be "a cap" of 65.535 points, despite some games actually having higher numbers.



e.g. POWGI does have 106.875 as of now


I also would like to see the total trophy breakdown from the Series-site linked above on the individual Series-pages, which currently only have the total number of trophies displayed, if that would be possible. :)


This has been pointed out by myself personally to Sly back in the summer when doing Game Info Updates. 


The points display is a 16 bit number, and so cannot compute beyond 65,535. This is something only Sly can fix because it is specific to the sites source code.

Edited by Dreggit
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