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Suit bonus properties?


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 One guide I remember seeing mentioned, that choosing certain suits can make hard mode easier, due to added health or damage (similar thing to God of War skins). For some reason though, I can't see anything mentioning bonus stats, guide doesn't mention what suits add what bonus and outside the guide, I wasn't able to find anything regarding stat bonuses. Is the guide completely wrong in that manner or I just failed at finding the proper source?


This is the guide that mentions the bonus stats from suits btw https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/spiderman-edge-of-time/guide/

it's mentioned in the All You Can Survey trophy description

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5 hours ago, Piecharka22 said:

Did you end up finding out if there were any? And how was the hard run through? 

Not really, the only source said that the pre-order suits had bonuses, but nothing about base-game suits and suit from codes.


Hard wasn't too bad if you utilize your arsenal correctly, like using hyper-sense sometimes to spam triangle and sometimes to just as somewhat of a block. Time Paradoxes also recharge rather quickly and help out with clearing fights fast (or to just walk to the big group of enemies, smack the key-holder and go straight for the door). Besides Black Cat fight that requires a bit of practise (she smacks hard and the only way to regenerate health is to defeat clones), everything else was a cake-walk.


Also, important thing - after you beat Black Cat, don't skip the cutscene where she tries to kiss Peter (right after she's defeated) - if you do, you won't get a key and you'll have to redo the entire three-stage fight.

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