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Horrible, horrible performance on PS4. Get on PC instead.


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The game performance on PS4 is absolutely terrible. I am not usually that sensitive to performance issues but the framerate is atrocious and it chugs so, so bad. You will actually take so much damage in some situations because the framerate drops to seriously like 5 fps and hitches like crazy (especially on Robusta Year 10). It also just feels way faster and way harder than the same game mode/character on PC. After I completed it on PS4, I went back to Robusta Year 10 on PC and it feels like slow motion in comparison; you can actually react, avoid, and kill enemies easily. I'm not sure if it's because PC has the most recent update (Doom and Gloom), because the performance is better (144fps+ and almost no slowdown), or something else. But interestingly even something like the Worm boss is nearly impossible on PS4 to do without getting hit because he just outspeeds you and smashes into you over and over, whereas on PC you can just outpace and maneuver around him and easily take him out (both Robusta Year 10), so it's fundamentally two very different versions of the game. 


While there is just general constant slowdown and chugging throughout the game, it gets absolutely horrible with certain bullet patterns or too many enemies and it basically becomes a slideshow (with you taking damage repeatedly) on the Blood Moon nights, many of the bosses (especially those that spawn enemies), and certain bullet patterns.


Excellent game but I definitely recommend picking it up on PC because the PS4 version really shouldn't even exist in its current state. By the way, if anyone needs tips or advice for Robusta Year 10 or any other trophy, just send me a PM, as the game becomes substantially easier when you know the mechanics and how to approach it, and unfortunately it's a pretty niche game so there is very limited information online.

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My friend and I personally have not had any issues with performance, some slight hiccups here and there but other than that really consistent frames. The one consistent bad performance issue that happens is when you first boot up the game and when you first start up a run the load times for those are really long. I still can recommend this version only downside is no platinum trophy. The developers also tend to listen, I've had some chats with them and they've added a few items/mechanics I've suggested as well as more achievements!

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On 6/23/2021 at 3:28 PM, zak45737 said:

My friend and I personally have not had any issues with performance, some slight hiccups here and there but other than that really consistent frames. The one consistent bad performance issue that happens is when you first boot up the game and when you first start up a run the load times for those are really long. I still can recommend this version only downside is no platinum trophy. The developers also tend to listen, I've had some chats with them and they've added a few items/mechanics I've suggested as well as more achievements!

Are you playing on PS4 Pro? I have base PS4 and it's really bad especially on Robusta with later years. If you are playing Robusta Year 10 on base PS4 (unsure how PS4 Pro fares), it is 100% obvious and you will barely be able to play the game; the game is miles easier on PC for the exact thing. I played it since the latest Doom and Bloom patch and the performance is just as bad, and if anything, I think it will be worse in the future as they add more enemies and more mechanics. 


Great game, just not on the PS4 unfortunately. 

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